Chapter 76

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"Right now, Zeref he's. . . basically my lifeline. Sort of."

All this time. . . 

"I've been nothing but a vessel? Just a culmination of past wills and dedications, planted by the Goddess, in preparation for the return of some Creator? Born only reflect the world around me? To resurrect some Goddess? Bullsh*t! I have a mind of my own! And dreams! I'm. . . ."

My eyes widened.

"I. . . I'm. . ."

More black flames appeared one after the other. They grew in number, slowly but surely, until they covered every part of the tent.

"I'm the Luna of Moonshine? The. . . the adopted pup of Marley? I'm. . . Am I. . ."

Slowly, the imaginary flames even covered me.

"Who. . ."

"Who am I?"

Deimos' POV

"What a predicament this has become." Zeref's words, followed by his chuckles, did nothing to help the current situation. Nothing he said even during the conversation was of any worth.

Erebus had explained what was happening to the best of his abilities. He told me what was occurring, what had already happened, and what may happen in the future.

I remained talk, but despite my silence, I wasn't processing the information. I simply couldn't.

"It's complicated. I'm still unsure of how to reverse the effects, but we. . . we've come to an agreement, which stopped our consciousness from merging. So for now-" 

"On what terms?" After all that he had said, the only words that stuck with me were them coming to an agreement. "What?"

"On what terms, Zeref?" I made sure to look directly at Zeref this time. "What do you intend to receive in return for sparing his life?" He barely even batted an eye at my questions. With his arms crossed, he hummed, while gazing up at the sky. "What I want in return? Huh? Didn't think of that." Of course, an answer with no true answer. 

"So I'm next then", I stood up, disturbing the snow that collected on my shoulders. The small, frozen droplets had begun falling with more intensity, almost reflecting my silent yet chaotic thoughts. "Deimos, this isn't-"

"Zeref is the manifestation of our trauma, a fracture in our consciousness that wishes to be whole again. At the end of the day, that's all he is. That's all he ever will be." I decided that those words will end the conversation. Erebus knew this, and I could tell that he wanted to say more. 

Zeref sat quietly, observing me with curious eyes. 

Our eyes met, and something within him changed. He didn't seem that interested before, but the moment we gazed at each other, his demeanor changed.

"You are right. I am a collection of unstable consciousnesses, an embodiment of the unbearable pain and trauma you purposefully had to endure. I also carry the memories and emotions you've suppressed. The ones of the past. The ones of Skky-"

The name sent a chill through my body and caused the distortion of the imaginary forms of Zeref and Erebus. "Don't." It was the last thing I wanted to hear. "What would you do after you kill her?" 

"Are you really going to kill her?"

My entire form went rigid. "Shut the f*ck up, Zeref."

"Can you really do it? Are you sure?"

"Shut the f*ck up."

"You can't kill Skky, Lucien. You can't do that to the last thing holding you to this planet. You can't do that to the only person you've ever loved."

I yelled. It was incoherent. Animalistic. Barbaric. It rocked the area, and shook the snow off the trees. 

Their forms distorted, but even through that, Zeref's resolve did not change. His eyes remained on mine, unchanged and unapologetic. 

"The absorption of Erebus had been paused, for now. That is all I can say." He passed his hand through his hair, found a red lock, and proceeded to twirl it through his fingers. "You often forget. . . though I'm an amalgamation of your most gruesome and negative emotions, a storm of consciousnesses made to completely consume you to become one entity. . . I'm still a person. I'm still alive."

"The things I do. . .  All the things I do are all for my survival. Unlike you, I don't want to die."

Again, his unchanging eyes glared into mine. A deep vengeful abyss.

"Zeref." Erebus came beside us, his worry evident on his face. It took Zeref no time to revert to his usual self. "Begone, wolfman. Let me have my fun." He waved his hands around, like a priest attempting to exorcise an evil spirit. Erebus relented, however, and Zeref had to admit defeat. "Fine, I got it, I got it. I said what I need to say anyways." Zeref crossed his arms, and his body suddenly warped before it began disappearing. "Anyways, I think I'll take my leave now. You coming, Erebus dear?" He battered his eyelashes at Erebus, who soundlessly shook his head. "Ah, so cold. I'm hurt. Bye, bye, Lucien dear. Hurry up and die so that I can take over your soul-" He finally disappeared, leaving myself and Erebus at the clearing. 

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