Chapter 6

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As soon as I made it around the huge flame, I was greeted by a strong slap across my face. I instantly fell to floor and automatically curled up into a fetal position, in an attempt to protect myself from the blows that were soon to come.

I let out a stifled scream as my assailant kicked me sending me a few feet away. I shut my eyes as I was given another kick to the stomach and another across my face. I whimpered as I was then picked up by my throat and was now face to face with Blaez, the pack's Alpha.

"I told you three minutes didn't I? Three minutes to, go up the hill, feed that monster, then come back down. You couldn't just do that for me? Huh L?" he asked with a sick smile on his face. His smile suddenly widened as he tightened his grip on my throat, chasing me to pull at his arms, begging for him to release me.

"You like pain, don't you L?" he continued anyway, raising my body higher. "N-no A-Alpha", I tried to whisper but his hand easily locked off my airways, choking me effortlessly. 

I tried prying his hands away but it was no use. His strength easily overpowered mine. My body began to feel numb and everything began to sound distant as felt myself losing consciousness.

Before I could fully embrace the darkness, I felt my body fall to the ground, my airways reopened. With a loud gasp I quickly sucked air into my lungs which now painfully expanded and contracted with each shaky breath. 

Through my befuddled state I could faintly hear a familiar group of men talking as they made their way towards me.

"Blaez, lets not go too far with the Omega. Remember yesterday when she lost consciousness?" I recognized that voice to be Gray, one of Blaez's strongest warriors.

"Yeah man he has a point. The old lady flipped out when she saw what happened! It was hilarious!" laughed Blaez's Beta, Zex.

"Why don't we see how long she'll last this time", I looked up to see Zack, Blaez's head warrior, glaring down at me with a humourous look on his face.

I began to shake uncontrollably as Blaez slowly made his way towards me, painfully trying to crawl away from him. Before I could react, he grabbed my leg, pulling me towards him.

He then placed his knee unto my stomach, which was heavily bruised for as long as I could remember. I cried out as he placed all of his weight unto his knee, sinking it deeper and deeper into my stomach.

Tears fell from my eyes as the pain became too unbearable . "Hey, I've been thinking about this for a while. First of all, you beg me to keep that cursed wolf here, then when I refused to provide the monster with food, you feed him with your own rations", he said looking across to silver plate, which had landing near the bon fire.

When he turned back to me his eyes were black and a sly grin was painted across his face. "Say, do you have a little crush on the cursed wolf, huh?" he laughed.


"You suure?" he asked, to which I quickly nodded, afraid of what he might do. He leaned into my face until his lips was brushing against my ear. 

"Cause you know, I get jealous really easily."

My eyes widened at the words came out, cause I knew what he meant. I began shaking wildly and I quickly shook my head. He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. From that point, there was only lust in his eyes. He reached his other hand out to me, trailing his finger across my face until it made its way down my neck, stopping at my chest. While staring into my eyes, he unbuttoned my coat and then halfway unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my cleavage beneath. "My my L, look at how you've grown", he joked, running his over my chest.

There were a few whistles and chuckles as the men came closer, examining my chest. I realized that Gray left, and was now standing by the fire, probably not wanting to be a part of what was happening. He wasn't like the rest of them, and I never really understood why.

I let out a silent sob as I tried to squirm under Blaez's massive body. I didn't want to do this. Not today. Not again. "P-please s-stop Alpha. . . Please", I begged, trying my best to push him of me, but to no avail. I sobbed loudly as I realized I was trapped under him. He suddenly grabbed my face and slowly shook his head. "No no no. That won't do", he said and then leaned his closer to mine. "Don't forget our deal."

"What deal?" asked a familiar voice and a slight relief flooded my body. When Blaez didn't answer,e person came closer.

"Get off of her, a**hole."

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