Chapter 29

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Deimos' POV

We were in our own world, She and I.

A world of white, a world of ice and a world of browns and barely visible greens.

I've never expected to exist in such a world.

A world where I walked endlessly through a forest of eternal trees. A world where I followed a path that seemed to lead me nowhere, but still led me everywhere. A world where my apparent soul mate hung delicately against my spine, her breaths condensing into a warm vapour against my neck.

I breathed in.

She breathed out.

She was something that wasn't meant to exist, something that was truly impossible. But yet here she was, her arms wrapped delicately around my neck and her legs around my waist. Those same legs slid down my waist slightly, and I readjusted them gently, causing her breath to hitch.

She was warm.

A few of her fiery locks spilled over her shoulders and settled on my chest. Her cheek was nudged against my neck as she stared downwards at the snow that covered ground.

I stared at her.

She looked content, so strangely content, although being through so much in the last few days, and also, throughout her whole life. She unconsciously nudged herself into me further, and I allowed her.

She stared at me.

It was a simple glance, one that I didn't look away from. She held my gaze for just a little while before she looked away, the familiar colour red coating her cheeks.

I looked away.

She stared once again.

I felt her eyes on me, her stare causing my skin to suddenly go warm.

Her eyes trailed.

From my hair, to my lips, then to my nose, then across my cheeks to my eyes. Then back to my lips.

'Like what you see? Its okay to look. . .' Is what I would of said, if I was some sort of narcissistic male, looking for a reason to make my mate blush in order to please my enlarged ego.

But I was just me, so I said nothing. I let her look, for that little while, because if it calmed her down, all the better.

The feeling of her gaze on my face diminished and I spared a glance at her to see what she was doing. Instead of finding her gaze downcast, It was actually the opposite. Her gaze was upwards, to the trees and beyond. Her red eyes seemed to glow as she looked up. Her lips parted ever so slightly as she lost herself in her thoughts, and her tiny nose slowly became red from the chill of the woods.

"What are you looking at?" I questioned.

She didn't answer right away. Instead, she raised her arm and pointed upwards.




Skyy. Queen of Vulcans. Mother of all cursed. Enforcer of the law of the darkness. A creator. A destroyer. A monster. One of true and absolute power.

The only being I truly fear.


I snapped my gaze towards her and furrowed my brow in confusion.

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