Chapter 46

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Elliot's Pov

"It's time. We've achieved our objective for today. I help to cleanse your mind from the Acting, then we'll head north, to Spring Haven."

I turned away from the Cursed wolf below me and glanced at the messenger, Athena.

"I'm hungry."

Athena smiled at me, before turning around. "We'll find something along the way."

I grumbled a reply, rubbing my stomach. 

"Aren't you going to kill your target?"

My lips twitched. "He's as good as dead anyways", I skipped over to her, a large grin on my face. She tilted her head at me, then raised her hand towards my face. 

She patted my head.

"Good job."

I smiled, but as my real memories slowly replaced the old ones, I found myself lost in my past recollections.

The ones that made me who I am.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

"Good job."

That is what the man would always say as he brought me back to my room. As usual, he would place down in the middle of the room, pat my head, then leave. 

As soon as the door closed, I would walk over to the corner of the room, and simply lay on the floor.

I only knew this room, and the experiment room. 

I only knew the the adults, especially the man and the woman that would come to my room and tend to me. The man was kinder than the woman, and would often pat my head, as if administrating a form of affection that I never received elsewhere. 

After all, I had no name, no parents, and no real identity.

From my earliest recollections, I've only remembered being experimented on, then being brought back to that room.

For some reason, I never actually remembered what happened when I entered that experiment room. 

I had no questions about my life, about who I was or where I was. I lived in that tiny world all alone, and yet, I never questioned it.

I had no care whatsoever.

Maybe it was me. . . maybe it was the experiments.

"Do you know why you're raised like this child?"

The man suddenly spoke to me one day. I understood speech, but I didn't know how to answer him properly. 

"You cannot be thrust into the world just yet. If you're introduced you to everything all at once, your mind would break."

I nodded.

"Do you know what you are, child?"

I looked up at him.

"A red. . . wolf."

He patted my head strangely, before speaking again. "Yes. You are a red wolf. A being unlike any other."

"You. . . are a red wolf?"

He shook his head. "I am nothing but a half breed, created to guide the pure ones. The chosen ones. Like you."

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