Chapter 35

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Deimos' POV

"My body is most likely rejecting your marks. And rejecting your touch as well."

That was a lie.

A wolf's body couldn't simply 'reject' the Mark of your Mate, even the marks of strangers. A stranger's Mark would simply heal, no matter what.

What happened to me, was completely different.

When an addict can no longer obtain his addiction, That person would begin to experience certain. . . withdrawal symptoms.

I felt like that addict.

After Thaddeus left, I began to experience something I never experienced before. Whenever I looked at Elliot, these strange feelings would come over me. It had a small effect at first, but then, it changed.

It became extremely unbearable.

Every time my eyes focused on her form, they would snap to her neck. Her smooth, unmarked neck. My canines would elongate, painfully so, and my heart rate would accelerate exponentially.

Mark her.

All of my other thoughts would disappear. Only those two words would remain.

Mark her.

My hands would shake, my muscles strained against my self control. I felt an irritation. . . all over my body. It was as if the bond was clawing at me from the inside, angry that I hadn't completed the bond yet.

If I had one mark, I might of been able to deal with it, but with Two, it was a constant struggle.

And with that struggle, came a disastrous habit.

Scratching the Marks.

It was the only way I could cope with the problem I faced. Scratching the Marks brought some of release that was temporary in nature. It was like the way addicts would scratch themselves after an extended period of time without their 'fix'.

Erebus was the one mostly affected by these problems.

He tried his best to resist the urge to claim the she wolf, but to no avail. His need was completely instinctive, something written into his very DNA. It wasn't a human reaction, it was completely an animalistic one.





He couldn't help himself. I was often the one that had to hold him back from taking control of my body and doing what he instinctively desired.

Then there was Zeref, the complete opposite of Erebus.

He too wanted to seize control, of course. But he didn't have a desire like Erebus. Far from that actually.

He wanted to kill her.

Her Marks were changing our bodies in ways he didn't like, and he believed that killing the she-wolf would reset everything that was happening to us.

I had to hold back two opposite forces from taking control of my body.

The moment I looked at her, talked to her, touched her, these forces would lash out at me, clashing against my mental barriers. I was literally having an internal battle with myself.

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