Chapter 16

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My eyes widened at the revelation. My eyes instantly went to Gray, who's fists were tightly at his sides. "What do you mean Kyle?" Gray growled, making the man flinch. He looked like one of Blaez's followers, but I guess he was on our side now. "He found out about the meetings. . . about our plans. . . He may know about our plot to take back the pack. . . and kill him."

"Does he know who's behind it?" I whispered but he shook his head quickly. A loud snarl erupted from Gray's mouth, causing me to flinch backward. "Get everyone on high alert! We have to be ready just in case he does anything!" he growled. He walked up to the man and rested his hand on his shoulder. "If anything happens, I want you to do the thing we spoke about. Understand?" If I didn't listen closely, I would not of heard it. What was he talking about?

Before I could even ask, he was out of the room, Kyle following quickly after him. I blinked.

He knows. Blaez knows.

Gray's POV

I stormed out of the house, my anger overwhelming my fear. I spun around to face Kyle, who immediately flinched at my sudden movement. "I want everyone on high alert. Tell them to be prepared for anything. We're cancelling the meetings until I say otherwise. You got that?" I growled at him. "Everyone sir? even-"

"Especially them", I snapped and he bowed his head quickly in submission. I immediately spun back around, facing the hills. I needed a release.

Heat exploded around me as all my bones broke at once. I embraced the pain as it burst through my body, shifting and remolding my body with each snap, crack, burst and stretch. I dropped to knees as my hands and feet broke and twisted, then came back together like scattered puzzle pieces. I felt as the beast inside molded my body together; bone by bone, muscle by muscle, organ by organ, into his form. My wolf.

In a second, I bolted into the trees, their forms quickly passing me as I pushed my body faster and faster. I barely missed the trees as they whooshed past me, their branches slapping against my face and scratching along the rest of my body. I didn't stop, instead I pushed myself even further, causing the burning in my legs to increase with every step. My body began colliding with the trees or smashing over logs but I didn't care. All I felt during that time was anger. Anger towards our current situation. Anger towards Blaez. Anger towards all that he did. I channeled all that anger as I released the invisible shackles that kept my wolf at bay.

With a dangerous snarl he pushed his consciousness to the surface of my mind, taking control of my body. With one last push, he drove my body to its very limit. He pushed his consciousness further and further, snarling again when I held back some of our body's control from him. I never gave him full control because he had a way of not wanting me to take it back when I wanted him to. My hindrance seemed to only fuel his anger as he snapped and clawed at the trees, leaving deep marks in the thick wood while keeping momentum. His presence had a price tag however. He always unconciously brought forward the memories I always strongly suppressed, leaving me to bask and revel in the dark recollections.

My body stilled as the last memory brought itself to the fore front of my consciousness; Akira. The name made my body instantly stiffen and I tripped over my foreleg, sending me headfirst down a steep incline. My body stumbled swiftly down the mound and I forced my body to right itself, but to no avail. I left myself to the mercy of the hill as my body flipped and spun until it flopped painfully near the base of a tree. My chest expanded and compressed painfully as my body struggled to consume the oxygen it now desperately needed. My chest burned, my head pulsed, and my feet ached. But. . . at least I survived, I thought.

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