Chapter 57

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I'm thankful for the people who actually took the time to nominate me for the Fiction Awards 2019. I normally don't enter any awards (because I can't suffer the heart ache of losing) because I know that my book is still a work in progress. However, I this time I thought that it wouldn't hurt to attempt one or two this year.

So here we are.

Everyone's spirit was shaken by my words. Just like I knew it would.

But this wasn't how the plan was supposed to go.

Revealing the existence of my personal Vulcans wasn't something I ever intended to do. I only did it to remove their attention from Commander Europa. If they had found out that she knew about the Vulcans, then her earlier statement of not being aware of any Vulcans in the area would be false. A Commander caught lying to their people. . . isn't good.

It wasn't her fault to begin with. It was a miscalculation with my plans, most likely with the Rogues. I didn't believe at the time that they would be able to spot the Vulcans, who remained hidden while they strategically patrolled the surrounding area. Their discovery was surprising to say the least.

Not just surprising, but also, almost impossible.

I shook my head. That could be investigated later.

For now. . .

I turned to Beta Darin, who was filled with negative emotion. Doubt, anxiety and fear were his main emotions, and they radiated off of him in waves. His emotions were even beginning to affect everyone around him, making them just as anxious as he was. A dangerous level of distrust was entering the room, and  I had to be careful with my words. . . or else things could of gotten worse.

Finally, Beta Darin spoke.

"So. . . you can control those things? Those Vulcans? Please. . . do explain", Beta Darin asked carefully. . . but from the doubt I saw in his heart, I knew that he won't believe a thing I say.

I still spoke nonetheless.

"Like I said, I capture the Vulcans, and take control of them. I give them orders, and they do it."

"Kind of like a Vulcan Lord?"

Beta Darin's words made my entire body stiffen.

Here it comes.

"Or. . . maybe you're kinda like. . . the queen of Vulcans. . . you know, the one you told us nothing about?" Beta Darin's eyes were cold, and his tone was accusative. He was about to continue, but Alpha Michael quickly interrupted him. "Enough, Beta Darin. Elliot. . . can you tell us how well can you control them? Can you stop them from doing what they naturally do? Are you able to stop them from attacking us?" I gave a nod to the only leader that was in my defense at the time.

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