Part 16

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After a long time, a new chapter. I hope you like it!

Mix immediately went up to his room, his tears flowed, his heart ached, but he had to be strong. It was not the first time that he felt disappointed, he had already realized that Earth was another fake person, he preferred his work than his relationship, if they really had something you can call like that

As soon as he entered the room, Bach was waiting for him.

Mix took him in his arms and hugged him tightly.

- It's just you and me, Bach !, nothing else matters. Don't you believe it? But we'll both get out of this, I know! There is no need to shed tears for things or people that are not worth it.

Mix wiped away his tears, he had to go on. It was his last semester, he would soon do his internship and he could practice his profession. That it was something he was passionate about, he could finally become independent and it didn't matter if people talked about him, if he liked men. That was the least important thing right now, his profession and his happiness were what mattered most at this moment.

-That's what I'll do! No more stupid feelings.

While Earth decided to go to the mansion gym, he needed to think while he worked out. He did not know how to fix things with Mix, it hurt him that he thought badly of him. Mix misunderstood him, but things would change soon. He didn't know how to tell him, maybe it was the last time they could be together.

Earth took the phone and decided to write a message to Mix.

-Mix, my prince

Mix just read the message

-Forgive me for what happened today, can we talk?

-I don't know what you want to talk about. You and I have nothing, just do your job

-Mix, please!

-Tomorrow I need to be early at the university.

- Ok, I'll be ready waiting for you. I love you Mix, rest!

Earth waited for a response from Mix, but he didn't get any answer.

The next morning...

Earth was waiting for Mix in the huge living room. He suddenly saw him coming down, he looked as cute as ever in his college uniform.

-Good morning Mix

-We're leaving, I don't want to be late. Mix didn't even look at him.

During the road to his university , Mix decided to talk on the cell phone with his friends, it was better than the awkward silence.

Earth heard him laugh and talk non-stop all the way. At no time do I exchange words with him.

As soon as they reached the university entrance, Mix got out.

-Mix, wait!

-Ahhh, I forgot to tell you that I don't need you to pick me up.

Earth immediately got out of the vehicle and ran after him.

-Mix, wait !!! We need to talk! Don't go like this !!! Earth grabbed him by the arm.

-I'm late to class, please let go of my arm. I don't think we have anything to talk about and if you have something to say, you can do it this afternoon when my parents are home. Do it in front of them!


Earth immediately released him.

Mix did it to test how capable Earth was of sustaining what he said he felt for him, if it was really love. If he could keep all those promises in front of Mix's parents, even if the world was destroyed in front of them and if they opposed their relationship. Was Earth able to keep up with him? Would he be willing to have his reputation as a bodyguard for rich and famous was destroyed?

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