Part 4

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After thinking it wisely , Mix had decided to give the press conference that his parents had asked him ... maybe it was the best thing he could do, he was just a short way from graduating and leaving that house. He didn't mind being left without inheritance, he wanted to be independent and live his life as he wanted it. Far from the hypocrisy and falsehood of the people that surrounded his family and his circle of friends.

While he was getting ready, he was talking to Win ...

-Give me some advice ... perfect boy. You must know about those interviews. Mix asked Win.

- what you're talking about, I don't like it either but I have to do it... my parents need it, business things.

-And what will you do when they find you a cute and sexy wife for you . You will leave Bright ?...

-I don't know yet!!!! I don't want to think about it.

-Ok, give me some advice ... I need it to keep myself acting as a perfect and boring guy.

-Well, do the opposite of what Mix would really do, that will work.

-Ok, I must go, I must finish getting ready. We talk later.

-Ok good luck with that, bye.

Mix donned a boring suit and arranged his hair to the side, making him look very nerdy. He only needed glasses and it would look like one.

His dog Bach barked,

-What happened Bach! Do I look bad like that? Right?

-Wau Wau,

- You don't recognize me like that.

-Come on let's go. When I get home I promise to take you for a walk in the park, I'm sorry I've neglected you a bit.

He patted his corgie's head. He was ready for today show.

When he went downstairs, he asked one of employees to look for Earth.

-Could you do me a favor and tell Ear that I'm ready, we need to get out now.

-Young Mix. Let me find it for you.

A few minutes later, a elegantly dressed man was standing in the living room

-Mr Mix.

He immediately turned around, hearing that strange voice that it wasn't Earth's voice.

-Who are you? Where is Earth?

-Sir, Mr Pirapat you had a personal issue and he couldn't come to work.

-He didn't tell me anything , he knew he needed to take me to that event.

-That's what I'm here for ....

-I need to talk to him. Coul you please call him for me?. I don't have his cell phone number.

-Yes sir. Immediately. The man called Earth

-Hi, did something happen?, Earth answered.

-Why the hell aren't you here Ear, you didn't know it was an important day.

-Sorry Mix I had something personal to do that's why I sent Joe, he's a very good bodyguard, one of the best in my academy.

-It's not the same, you could come, please. Uhmmmm, you are my bodyguard, you knew this was important, you knew I needed support ..

You know what, I get it. I thought I could count on you. But you only did your job ... no friendship with your protege.

-Mix, don't say that ...

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