Part 22

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I hope you like this new chapter!

Mix was like in a dream from which he did not want to wake up, Earth showered kisses on his lips, his face as well as his neck, so gently, accelerating the beating of his heart, his breathing also was accelerated, each caress of Earth aroused sensations that he had never felt before, It was like being in paradise.

-Earth!!! Wait! He suddenly stopped him

-Are you alright, my prince?

Mix tried to settle down for a moment, he knew that tonight would be unforgettable, but it would also be his first time, he was somewhat scared, he did not know what to do or how to react to to the new sensations

-Could you wait a moment? As he could he got up, his legs were a jelly, he must make a call before.

-Come back soon, it's so cold! Earth said something nervous, maybe those kisses were too much for Mix. -I scared him for sure! Aish Earth, you are a fool! he told himself

Mix took out his cell phone and called Win.

-Friend please answer!!!, after dialing several times he finally answered

- Mix, hello how are you?

-Good! But kind of hot...

-Why? Are you at the gym? (hahahha, he will be doing exercises with Earth soon)

-No, I'm with Earth

-Ahh of course, doing other exercises

-Fool! I'm calling you to ask you something

-Ok, tell me what I'm good at.

-I'm scared Win, Earth and I are, you know... doing what couples do!

-Ahhh I know...your first time? he asked

-I don't know! Maybe yes, maybe no, but I don't know what to do how to act, you have more experience, tell me what I should do.

- My dear Mix, we all have different experiences, I know that Earth loves you too much and you love him too. But these experiences are so personal, I can't tell you that there is an instruction manual for the first time, just let yourself be carried away by what you feel for him, what you want to happen, what your body dictates that you do, don't be afraid and if at some point you feel uncomfortable, do not hesitate to let him know, do not feel obligated, ok? Let things flow, let yourself love and love your partner. I only give you one piece of advice, use protection!!

-But it's going to hurt!!! I'm scared Win.

-Mix, friend! Relax, talk it over with Earth. For nothing in the world will he do anything to hurt you, okay?

-Ok, thanks for your words!

-Now go with Earth, he must be waiting for you!

-Thank you Win.

-Okay, you're welcome. Let me how did all went !

-NO, this is my private life.

- Hey, I'll tell you what happens with Bright!

-You are rabbits, you live glued to each other!

-Yes, I accept it! Now go! Don't keep Earth waiting

-Bye! Talk later

Mix hung up and immediately went back to the campfire with Earth.

-Are you okay Mix?

-Yes, I'm OK

-Let's go inside, it's a bit cold.

-OK let's go.

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