Part 19

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Thanks for the votes and comments you left in the last chapter! I hope you like this chapter too :)

Mix was doing the exercises with the physiotherapist at the clinic, his ankle was better, he could now affirm it without pain, the man was smiling. That meant he would soon be discharged.

In the distance Dr. Luke was watching him.

-Mix, rest a moment and we will do the last exercises. The physical therapist told him.


-I'll be back in a few minutes!

Taking advantage of the small break between his exercises. Luke decided to come over to say hello.

-Mix! I see you've made progress

-Yes, my ankle is better. I hope to be discharged soon!

-Do you have a lot of desire to go out from what I see?

-Yes, I have many plans to do!

-It's everything better now, I imagine! the curious doctor asked Mix

-Better than I expected, he said smiling

-Is it complicated with your parents, well for whom is it not complicated?

-Ummm, sorry. I know you've had to witness some of the arguments with my parents!

-It's always been like that, ever since I've known your family.

-Do you know us from before? mix wondered

-Yes, my grandfather is your family doctor. You may not remember but I used to go with my grandfather to one or another of the parties organized by your parents. Actually, they were too boring for my liking. We never had a chance to exchange a word until now.

- So, I imagine you have heard of me, the rebellious son of the Sahaphap family?

-Yes, I've heard of that. But I also know that you study veterinary and you are one of the most outstanding students of your faculty.

-Ummm, yes. It's my passion!

- I'm happy for you.


-Mix, I'll discharge you soon. I don't know if there is anything else I can help you with. The day I arrived at your house, apart from your ankle, something else was affecting you.

-No, I'm fine. These are things a doctor can't help me with.

-And a friend?

-Uhmmm, I don't know! Maybe.

-Okay, I'll leave it to fate, maybe we'll meet again in an opportunity and you can consider me as a friend.

Mix smiled shyly

-Rest, tomorrow you will be free from me ! And he winked at him (I imagine this scene and I blush 😊 Dr Vovage have mercy on my poor heart....Hahahaha)

The doctor turned and walked towards the exit.

-Hey Dr....Mix yelled at him– Thanks for everything!!

On the other hand in the mansion of the Sahaphap family

Samuel came home after a long day of work at the office, he left his briefcase on the living room table and tried to rest a bit, he was thoughtful since the last conversation with his son, he knew he had to give in if he didn't want to lose permanently to his son, his only heir. But it did not depend on his decision, but he had to tell his wife and Mix's mother.

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