Part 21

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I love this photo of EarthMix and it helped as inspiration for this chapter, I hope you like it!

The wish Mix made to the stars on top of the mountain was beginning to come true. His desire to freely love the man who had stolen his heart. To be who he really wanted to be, without hiding, without being pressured.

Earth decided to call Mix


-Yes my Prince?

-I miss you so much!!

I have missed you too! I'm dying to see you...I would go right now for you!

-Hey, wait. I can't let my father down. We will make things right. Is that okay with you?

-Okay, we will do things the right way, And tell me how is your ankle? Is it hurting?

-Uhmmmm, I think It's better, although sometimes I feel some discomfort. I guess it's normal, I still have to do a few physiotherapy sessions.

-Uhmmm, it's the best for your total recovery . And tell me, would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?

-A date?

-Yes, a date as official boyfriends we already have your father's blessing!

Mix couldn't help but feel a little blushed, this boyfriend tag was very strange, but they were a couple now and they could go out like any couple does.

-Okay, that sounds great. Where will you take me? Tell me, tell me!!!

-It's a surprise young prince!


-What did you say??? Ear??? You little naughty prince, you call me that way again and I'll have to punish you!!

Mix just smiled when he heard Earth say those things, "things" came to his mind

-We'll see that!!! Mr Pirapat!! Mix said in a playful tone.

-It's late , you must go to rest. Tomorrow I'll pick you up to go to our date, ok?

-Ok, good night and please dream of me.

-I always do it!!

-Seriously?, I hope it's not that kind of dreams ....

-Hahahahah!! What are you thinking Mix? You so naughty!!

It's time to go to bed, I Love you.

-I love you too. Bye.

Mix put the phone aside and hesighed deeply. It was time to be happy. He couldn't believe it.

Mix was tossing and turning in his bed!!!

-Can you believe it Bach? tomorrow I will see my boyfriend! What clothes should I wear?? Phew I'm nervous, It's our first official date!!!

He jumped out of bed and went to the walking closet he must look beautiful for Earth....

Meanwhile Earth, making several calls, he wanted his first date with Mix to be perfect!!!.

Once he finished he got up from the sofa in the small living room of his apartment , and went to his room. He was happy and nervous at the same time, going out with Mix as his official boyfriend was something he had waited for a long time and he didn't want to let him down.

The next day.

Earth arrived at the mansion, his former bodyguard companions greeted him effusively. But he had to get there quickly for Mix, he didn't want to be late so he apologized to them and promised to visit them again another day. He excused himself and continued to the main door.

THE PRINCE AND HIS BODYGUARDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin