Part 23

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I just can't believe I havent't published a new update in more than a year, I'm so sorry! I hope you like this new chapter.

The next day Mix had to go to the university, he was arranging the details of his veterinary practice, he would go out of town for a few months to do it, it was something that he was excited about since he was almost there to receive his degree.

-Young Mix!!! It was one of the house employees knocking on the door of his room. Prim was no longer in charge of Mix's stuff, she was with Jenny now.

-Come in! Mix let the girl enter his room

-Young master Mix, do you want me to bring you breakfast or shall I pack it for you to take away?, the young woman asked Mix.

Mix looked at the clock and he realized that he was late.

-You better pack it for me, I'm late for my class! Thank you so much! And one more thing, don't call me master Mix, just Mix is ok for me!

Mix took his things, his vet robe and he ran downstairs. When he was going down the stairs he felt a pain in his ankle but he ignored it since his cell phone rang and it was his boyfriend calling so he answered immediately.

-My prince, good morning!

-Hi love ! Mix said shyly, he wasn't used to saying cheesy things about lovers.

-Have you already left for the university?

-No, I'm late!, and I think I won't drive on time for today's class.

-Uhmmm, how about if I take you?

-No, it will take you a while to get to my house, a bad idea! Thank you for your good intentions, but it will take longer.

-Come out the door! Earth told him

-Are you here? Mix couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Before leaving, the employee gave him a small bag with his breakfast and he went to the door.

-EARTH! Mix saw his lover on the motorcycle, with an extra helmet.

-Do you need to be on time? Come I'll take you on my motorcycle!

It was too tempting an offer to pass it up.

-Come here my prince or we will not arrive on time.

Mix took the helmet, put it on while he looked into Earth's eyes...

-Thank you for always being there for me! The traffic is terrible at this hour.

-You have nothing to be thankful for, I do it because I want the vet to arrive on time for his class.

Mix climbed up and put his arms around Earth's waist.

-Hug me tight, don't be afraid!

-Okay!, Mix grabbed his boyfriend's waist and placed his face on his shoulder. I don't think I can be happier than I am now.

-Wait a little more! I promise to make you even happier!

Back at the mansion...

-PRIM!! The woman was screaming at the top of her lungs.

- YES, Mrs. Jenny! said the employee

-My son?

-He went to class!

-Okay great! I need your help to separate Mix from that obnoxious bodyguard once and for all. I will pay you very well for this work.

The woman's eyes lit up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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