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"Jie I am gay." Yings eyes widen for a moment as Yibo held his head low.

"So what? Everyone has there preference Yibo. You have yours. I don't mind."

"WHAT THE HELL?" Xiaoming shouted as to what he heard and rushed towards Yibo. Yibo being a little intimated stood up as Ying stood before him.

"A-Ying move aside. I need to see him."

"Whats wrong with you Ming? Don't hurt him."

"How can you say this Ying? Its my dream come true. My first time meeting a gay. Let me see him." As he slightly pushed her wife aside and held Yibo's shoulder who had confusion clearly written on his face.

"You are really gay?"


"You like men?"

"Yes. I guess gay means that only?"

"Woahhh." Xiaoming left his shoulders and sat back on his place and Ying laughed out loud.

"Stop it Ming you are scaring him." She continued laughing.

"You know what Yibo I am a big fan of yaoi. It started when I acidently once came across a japanese manga."

"So you guys are not disgusted by me?" Yibo asked somewhat surprised.

"No, not at all. First of all I am big fan of yaoi, its my dream come true to see a real one. No offense though. And my husband always wanted to meet one so he is very excited you see." She continued to laugh.

"Mr. Huang?"

"No I am just surprised. I don't have any problems with that."

"Alright there is more to it." Yibo said and both looked at him again.

"Can we please sit down?" Yibo requested while Ying nodded and sat down.

"I came out to my family when I was young and they turned me out and disowned me. So I started working and living alone and moved to Shenzhen. There I met a guy. Well he was very rich. We both were attracted to each other and eventually we both fell in love. Its been four and a half month we are married. Since he was rich and I was well you can say poor, things did not work out between us so he turned me out of his life so I left everything there amd I came here." Yibo held a mocking smile on his face as he narrated his story. Ying and Xiaoming looked at each other, feeling bad for the young boy.

"We are here Yibo for you. Tell us, how can we help you?" Ying asked very politely.

"Jie thankyou but I need to settle down here. I need to work so that I can afford my living."

"Yeah sure. We operate a chain of consumer goods shops here. We have a lot of sheds too at different place. I can allot you one. It has two rooms at the back, one bathroom, one kitchen and the shop in the front. You can work there." Xiaoming said for the first time very politely.

"Yes. But I would pay you the rent." Yibo said and smiled warmly.

"If thats what you want then I won't stop you. But settle down first then you can pay me."

"I am really thankful to you Mr. Huang."

"Drop the honours call me Ming ge." He did not smile and was always looking away but Yibo knew the man was really kind.

"Mn. Ming ge."

"What are your plans?" And they discussed few things, had their dinner and Yibo was sent in a room which he supposed to be of the boy child.

'They are really kind and it was a good start for today. I should call Mr. Li and thank him. Tomorrow I shall do that. I should now sleep as to be refresh for the upcoming life.' He laid down and tears rolled from his eyes as he remembered a certain someone. No reason to cry over him but still he could not help his heart, longing for the man.

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