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"But he used to fight me-"

"Not because he was ashamed of you Yibo, but because he never liked his so called friends insult you. He never was ashamed he just wanted you to be acceptable in his circle. We cannot abandon those people, we are associated either with them or their fathers for business. Its not always what you see from outside, you need to see the intricasies of those as well. You have married in such an elite class, you must have realised the consequences. There is always threat in the market. Competitors want to degrade their rivals with whatever means they can. Would you have been happy if his business would suffer?" Yibo shook his head in denial. All this while he had a frown on his face as he realised things which only got deeper.

"Yibo, marriage is not only a legal statement to validate your relationship. You think your life is hard. Its hard up their too. If people don't voice it out that doesn't mean they are not struggling. You think I am making excuses for Zhan but no I am not. You can punish him all you want but breaking off this marriage, don't you think its a bit of rush?" Yibo remained silent at this. After fleeing away he himself had thought that he took a rash decision as marriage is no child's play. It requires sacrifices and compromises.

"I know Yibo, Zhan had done a blunder but can you not just punish him for his mistake? This punishment is more severe than anything for him. Past eight month I have seen Zhan breaking down everytime. He refused to sleep in his room or you could say he barely went back his home as there was no one for him. He cannot go back to his parents too because he thought that they would unnecessarily bad-mouth you and he was at denial. He lived in office's restroom. He has been taking sleeping tablets as he is suffering from insomnia. I am telling you all this because I have known Zhan way lot before you and I haven't seen him this broken. He was busy finding you and handling his work as his parents also refused to help. It pained me to see my ever jovial and arrogant friend going haystray like this. Please Yibo, please consider it once again. He even begged you not to leave him. He really loves you. Your leaving would end his existence from his own life. He would live but like a dead person." Yibo was in tears listening all these. His partner has suffered and it pained him to know this. But then what about his pain?

"I understand Xi, and I know very well that Zhan loves me dearly. I know his temper too but what I asked him was a little respect and understanding."

"Did you understand him Yibo?"

"What do you mean?"

"You never pried to find out why Zhan was like this. I told you all still you refuse!"

"I am not refusing but I was also hurt Xi. I had no where to go. I have started my life here from a scratch. Do you think it was easy?"

"No, it wasn't but punish him, beat him, scold him, just don't leave him."

"You think I love to be away from him? No, I too have cried every single night for him. Longed for him." Yibo wiped his tears.

"Then why are you both suffering? Do something that would make him understand his mistake. Though looking at him all these while it was a punishment for him but still Yibo don't leave him. He has a temper, but is it not his fault. He cannot control it but isn't it our responsibility too to understand that if certain things are triggering him we should not do it? You too have to understand that it is not only you who have made sacrifices, he has also made. Yibo, he has been always been this harsh but that doesn't mean his conscience doesn't hurts. It hurts alot but the damages are already done. He has always been guilt-ridden for his temper. About turning you out I strongly reprimand this behaviour of Zhan and I will myself stand by your side to punish him." Yibo remained quiet for a long time analysing things. It was true, though Zhan made a mistake but he needs to be given a second chance to prove himself. It was their marriage that was at stake.

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