Red Yarn and a Sea shell

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Night creeps on painfully slow and you force your breath from speeding up. 

You wait until the rise and fall of Eren's chest against your back is slow and lazy, and the sliver of moon rays seeping in where the fabric of the tent kisses the ground grows soft, indicating that the moon is high in the sky. 

The drunken buzz of evening in camp drifts into the peaceful silence of night, lulling its tired and stumbling patients to sleep, but you are wide awake. 

You stare at the dark wall in front of you, drawing small circles against your blankets in anxiousness, until you don't feel as though you can take it anymore.

You escape.

Slowly you remove Eren's arms from your waist, where he liked to rest them when he slept. Protect you or hold you down, you'd never know his intentions with it, but you were glad it didn't work. 

You slide soundlessly out of the sheets, the cold night air grasping at the bare skin of your exposes legs and forearms unpleasantly, but that was the least of your worries. You pause for a moment. Fighting to keep your breathing soft as you listened, half afraid the monster behind you would awake.

But he didn't. 

You slowly creep across the tent, the floor mats soft yet icy against your toes. You make your way for the door, snagging a jacket and pair of pants of the dresser along your way for later. 

Only three steps from the door flap you hear a creeking noise coming from the bed. You freeze, your eyes locked on the door, on your freedom.

You wait.

You half expect to feel those strong arms wrap around you again and pull you back to bed, but nothing happens. You turn slowly to see Eren still lying in bed, sleeping peacefully, his breathing slow and content. 

You let out a soft sigh of relief before turning back and making your way finally to the door. As your cold fingers fumble with the ties to the door flap, you can't help but feel like something is watching you. 

You glance back one more time when you finally part the flaps. Eren's eyes are closed and his gentle breathing continues. You shake off the eerie feeling as simply paranoia at breaking the 'rules'. 

The cold night air outside brushes against your face, fresh, gentle, and free, like you soon will be. You glance back one more time, just in case, before stepping forward, your barefoot crossing the threshold of your prison, onto grass, into freedom. 

You let out a sigh of relief. For the first time in many painful months, you are finally alone, standing alone, as a free person, not a pet nor prisoner. It feels too good to be true, like a gigantic weight had finally been lifted off your heart, but it is short lived.

A quick glance at the night watchmens' shadows let's you know it's time to get a move on, if you want to remain free.

Sneaking out of camp is easy enough. After spending so long there, it isn't hard for you to sneak in and out of the shadows to avoid the watchmen. 

You quickly spot a particular tent on the edge of camp, woven between the trees. Inside is the crow from earlier, sleeping in its cage. You take a quick glance around to ensure you are alone before taking it out of its cage. 

A strange clinking sound coming from the bird catches you by surprise. 

You open the message pouch attatched to the crow's leg and gasp in surprise. 

Eren had lied.

It was not empty. 

Inside was a single seashell, smooth and clearly worn by human hands, but intact nonetheless. Upon closer look you notice a tiny hole punctured into the bottom of it, with a braid of faded red yarn attached to it. 

You examine the odd item in your palm carefully, scanning it for any kind of writing or clue, but you find none. Clearly this object's significance was only meant for one receiver to understand. You briefly wonder if it was meant for Eren. 

You tuck the item into your pocket quickly when the crow starts squawking like mad. "Shh! Hush!" You snap under your breath, trying to keep the silky feathered bird in your sweaty palms. 

You take the bird outside, the starlight greeting you brightly. You find a horse in one of the paddocks nearby and lead it outside. Your attention turns to the midnight black bird. "Take me home." You whisper to it, before letting it loose into the air. 

It squawks with liberty as it takes to the night sky, and you have half the mind to try to follow it. Instead however, you kick yourself up onto the horse's back, using the fence to give you a boost. 

Your gaze lingers on your hands gripping the horse's thick black mane, your silver wedding ring glimmering in the moonlight. It makes your gut twist slightly when the ring catches on your finger slightly as you remove it. There is a slight indent band where the ring had made itself at home on your hand. You suck in a deep breath before setting it on the paddock fence, setting your vows, your marriage, your oath aside. Eren's key quick to join it. 

Without the two small pieces of jewelry you feel light.


With one last look back at the camp you'd spent the worst, and maybe best, moments of your life, you kick your horse into a gallop, taking off after the crow into the dark depths of the forest.


Kind of a filler, sorry, but next chapter we get to see ARMINNN and MIKASAAAA so hang in there buddies! 

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