35: Unrequited Love

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"Senior Wei! Senior Wei!"

Wei Wuxian, on his way to the Library to find his husband before the absorption, stopped in his tracks to find Jiang Liwei waving madly to him from the gates. He ran to the boy and let him in. "Liwei?"

"Senior Wei, come quick! Shijie! Shijie is gone!"

"WHAT! A-Qiao?"

"No, Jiang Baozhai."

"What do you mean gone?!"

"Wuxian-di, what's all the shouting for?" Lan Xichen walked over to him with Sizhui hurrying beside him.

"Liwei, what's wrong?"

"Sizhui, my Shijie. Jin Ling's Shijie. She's gone!" Jiang Liwei collapsed into Sizhui's arms.

"Liwei!" Sizhui shook him.


"Liwei, what do you mean Little Zhai's gone?" Wei Wuxian bent to his junior's level.

"Shijie went into labour today morning. And a few hours after giving birth, she vanished. She's supposed to be weak but no. Left a letter. Qiao Shijie wants Senior Wei to come," Liwei explained feebly, shaking out of sorrow while Sizhui desperately consoled him.

"Wuxian-di is going?"

"Gege, I must go! I'm afraid the absorption will have to be put off to a later date. As soon as this is settled," Wei Wuxian bowed to him, told him to inform Lan Zhan and ran with Sizhui and Liwei towards Lotus Pier. Sizhui tagged along knowing Jin Ling would need him.

And Lan Xichen was not the person to obstruct any of them. Jiang Baozhai was a blessing. At least he had a day or two more. Lan Xichen hurried to the Library to inform Lan Wangji of the postponing and the situation. 




Wei Wuxian ran into the Healing Hall to catch Yunxi as he fell into his arms. "Yunxi, my brother, what happened?"


"What happened? All because of that BLOODY BASTARD!" A thunderous voice boomed as Zidian crashed out of fury.

"Goodness, Wanyin, control yourself," Lan Xichen urged him. The Jades had arrived moments after the Jiang Elder and the two juniors had.

"A-Cheng, getting angry now won't help. First tell me what happened."

"I'll talk, since one's half-alive and the other's boiling in Hell," Lin Qiao sulked as she walked to Wei Wuxian, cradling a little baby in her arms. The baby boy was fast asleep.

"A-Qiao? Please do explain."

"Baozhai-jie left a letter. She's retreated into secluded cultivation, claiming to wish to harden her heart and improve her wisdom. And to get rid of all the regrets. She had held on for the little one, but knowing we would take good care of him, she left him in our hands and disappeared an hour ago. Thankfully, the baby is unaffected. He is a newborn after all," Lin Qiao looked down at the baby and rocked him back and forth.

Wei Wuxian sunk into a bed nearby while Yunxi sat beside him. Wei Ying shook his head when Lan Wangji held his hand. "I'm good, A-Zhan. Little Zhai, my silly little sister. Well," he sighed, forcing a smile, "she better come back as an immortal after all the pain she's giving us! So, she really has gone? No trace of her around?"

"Not a footprint," Jiang Cheng grumbled, sitting beside his brothers on the bed.

"So that's that. She's not coming back anytime soon. Well, at least she's not gone or anything bad like that so let's focus on what's at hand," Wei Wuxian turned to Lin Qiao. "Who's taking care of the baby from now on?"

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