Chapter 64

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The reporters were now on an helicopter as the were videotaping the destroyed city.

Reporter:"Reporting live from Jakku city, are you seeing this?!? Nearly a third of the city's been...reduced to this! Just below us are dozens of Heroes and police officers evacuating citiziens...incredible numbers!! It's a horrific scene reminiscent of Deika city from last year!! Because of all the dust and debris , it's hard to make out what's happening. The Heroes seem to have risen from the battle. Hosu City, Kamino Ward, this is yet another large scale act of terrorism like the ones that began happening last year. Just what's going on in this country now days!! just were are we headed?!?"






Eri was watching the news from the TV of her room as she looked scared and worried about her Mama and Papa, hoping they would have made it out this battle as she look over to see Silkie all sad, before hugging Silkie tightly.




Inko was watching the news aswell as she was worried for her husband and kids, who were out there.

Natsu, Fuyumi and Rei were worried for Shoto.

Mitsuki was pissed as she hoped her son to not even dare to freaking die.




Meanwhile chaos was happening in Tarturas, All For One was smiling in his cell as the guards were a mess and trying to contain many Villains back to their cells.




With Izuku and Shigaraki they were now face to face as Shigaraki was approaching Izuku who only kept the neutral look all the time.

Shigaraki:"I called out for Gigantomachia, he's going to kill every Hero trash on sight."

Izuku, however stood calm and look around his sorrounding, it was a wasteland so, until the fight it is over nobody could track the bith of them down, so the two could fight without interruption for the moment, but most likely as soon as the ruckus will happen some or maybe even more Heroes will make their way there.

Shigaraki:"Endevour was weak, even with those boosts you were giving him, he couldn't stand a chance. You don't even know how to control your own Quirk, what would make you think the battle will go your way Izuku Yagi."

Izuku then closed his eyes.

Izuku:"You've killed so many, It would be difficult for me to give you redemption. But, it got end somewhere."

Shigaraki then raise his fist and was close to hitting Izuku, until all of the sudden he got punched in the stomach and incredible speed and strength and was sent crashing far away in the waste land.

Shigaraki then grunt as he noticed the mark of a punch on his chest, before looking at Izuku who was floating in the air.

Shigaraki:"It hurts you know?"he said sarcastilly as he got back up in his feet and touched his chest as the mark then disappeared and then internal broken ribs regenerate.

Izuku just raised an eyebrow as Shigaraki was glaring at him.

Shigaraki:(That wasn't him using his Quirk, that superhuman strength isn't part of that as well as the flight. He must have went under some type of amplification, similar to mine. That must be it. He only moves in the air so naturally, like he has known to fly for years. and the power he had to do a damage like this, it's on the same level as mine).

Shigaraki then look at Izuku dead in the eyes as he smiled.

Shigaraki:"Tell me, where does these powers come from? I can feel they aren't Quirks. Did you take on an amplified version of the serum? Shie Hassakai?"

Izuku then sighed.

Izuku:"Yes and No. When me and my class were attack at I-Island in America, thanks to your 'Master'. I was caught into an explosion of Solar radiations. The Solar Radiations I got in my body are thousand of times above normal serums like the Shie Hassaikai or the Venom."

Shigaraki:"Interesting, so we've both results of great experiments on us."

Izuku:"I was a creation, you on the other hand was a mistake and I'll make sure to make it right here and now!!!!!" he yelled start charging an energy blast from his left hand and the trew it at Shigaraki who manage to jump out the way as the blast created a large crater on the ground.

Izuku then heard the scream from far away due to his super hearing, as the other Heroes were in trouble, Izuku then clentch his fists in anger, but he can't since now he has Shigaraki has his target and hoped that the others could hold their own.

Izuku then look at Shigaraki who raised his fist at Izuku, who flew out the way and responded by using his heat vision and hitting Shigaraki on the left side of the face knocking him far away in the wasteland.

Izuku:(This guy speed and reflexes are faster that I could've imagine. The number of people who can pursue him is very low, the comunications are blocked, and what's bothering me is that his body it is like a whole armor, there's no way a normal person can penetrate all of that. If I end up losing or worse being killed, the world is over,but if I release my full power then I'm going to mess everything up and end up blowing the world myself. I need to stay focus, don't mess up and try to control myself .)

Then Izuku felt the ground trembling as he look at his right to see with his super sight a horde of High End Nomus and charging straight for the wastelands where Izuku and Shigaraki were fighting as Izuku's eyes widen.

Izuku:"Oh, sh*t!!" he yelled as an explosion was heard from behind himand once the dust was clear Shigaraki rose up from a crater.

Shigaraki was now grinning as he looked at Izuku with a smile.

Shigaraki:"What a pain, isn't it? Izuku Yagi.....this is not a one on one fight, this is WAR!!!!!!" he then roar as the High End Nomu charged even faster than before.

Izuku then look on his left to see a bunch of Heroes coming this way as the situation got even more stressed out then before.

Izuku:"The worst outcome!!"

Shigaraki then started laughing as Izuku was even more stressed, if he leaves to fight the High Ends, Shigaraki is going to murder the rest of the Heroes, but if he stays a whole battle war is going to happened and again the Heroes are going to die.

Then Shigaraki jumped behidn Izuku's when his back was turn and smack him in the face sending him flying into the horde of High Ends as Shigaraki then turn to the Heroes with a smirk as they were all charging at him.

Shigaraki then a raised both of his hands as he decayed the ground, causing the wasteland to fall apart as Izuku eyes widen as he was being captured by the High End Nomus.






To be continued....

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