Chapter 126

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Back in the present time at the core of Existence, the mysterious intruder reiterates that he has never abandoned the Abstract and Cosmic beings. He wants to elaborate on the One Above All and surpass even his power.

Simply put, he wants to provoke mass genocide and rightfully to be called 'The Omnipotence' itself.

The Living Tribunal finally shouts.

The Living Tribunal:" That's enough!!!!!" they yelled as the Abstract entity started charging up an attack.

???:" Now, Now..... We don't need to go straight for violence, brothers and sisters." the person said as he snapped his fingers causing Existence itself to start shaking as the Living Tribunal was shocked to see this much display of power and stopped the attack they were going to charge.

Death:" Then please explain..... Your motivations to challenge 'him'........." she asked to the mysterious intruder.

???:" As many of you know..... 'He' is the one controlling each fraction of time, each event..... Each life........ Don't you just find it unfair that someone is allowed to control us...In this system of hierarchy... There's no freedom at all...... I want that...... Free will is the thing that may overtrown him....... But, there's a cost to it...... Power.........Power is the thing that makes us special...... A great amount of it that would threatened the balance estabilished by the One Above All........ Something has to be done quickly..... So, I acted without none of your knowledge......" he said before he let out a maniacal laugh.

???:" The Recreation of a Multiverse shall take eons..... even for you Guardians, that's why you must collaborate with me to accept this freedom.....Isn't it a burden to carry such a role without doing particulary nothing your whole existence? Now, you may have a chance to prove your worth.... time itself tore apart the bodies of innocent people by the billions..... It may have only lasted a second for 'him', but for all those affected it was several tens of billions of years." he said with a wide smile on his face.

The Abstract and Cosmic Beings were now thinking about the mysterious intruder's words.

???:" Heard my reasoning...... even if I annhilate all lives in the Multiverse and beyond Existence itself...... Why didn't he stop me? Because he abandoned his creations, that's why. Do not blame yourselves for the roles given to you...... Blame the so called Omnipotente One that has created both peace and evil..... without knowing what to do with the first place." he said calmly.










Meanwhile back in our Universe, because of the intruder causing the Existence itself to start shaking there was an irregularity causing some Universes to merge with each other.

David who was inside of his lab looked at the screen of his high advanced radar, detecting the irregularity caused by the mysterious intruder.









As the intruder continued, he places the blame on the One Above All to have created such atrocities and pointing out that with all the power he had he could've prevented so many disasters from each Multiverse, the system made by him caused nothing more for his creations to have evil in their very core.

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