Chapter 74

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The winds of winter howled that day, and the air was dry. In the past I used to train up on Sekoto peak, and it was there....that my older brother Toya burned to death. They say the fire burned at over 2,000 degrees Celsius. The body was never found. His bines were reduced to ash, and the blaze's updraft scattered them to the wind. Only a fragment of his lower jawbone was found. And yet, the time I kept.....






Endevour:"What's going on with your hair, Touya?"


Endevour:"It's turning white."

Touya:"No way?!? I am not some old man!!!!"

Endevour:"Did you dye it?"

Touya:"Who, me? No way!!! But, forget that!!! Today is the day you teach me an Ultimate move!!!" the little boy said with a bright smile on his face as he activated his blue flames making his father smile.





My eldest brother Touya, didn't harbor the Ice Quirk within him, unlike me....but the fire he possessed was greater than my father. He didn't have a way to overcome the inescapable downside of overheating, father nevertheless sought to raise the boy to be a Hero. Meanwhile he still yearned for a child whose Quirk combined fire and ice. My mother wanted more children, saying theycould encourage each other. Then Fuyumi, the second was borned. She 's only inherited my mother's Quirk. Neither child bore the ideal Quikrk he was hoping for....but at that time, he was atleast happy, because Touya had way more potential than my father.....he placed his ambitions on his shoulders.




Touya then all of the sudden winced in pain as Endevour kneel down to check up his injury.

Touya:"Ow!!" he said as Endevour looked at the burn mark on his wrist as his looked darkened




He thought he could have been you, could've been the one to reach his eternal goal. His frustration...his envy.....The ugliness in his could've been the smash it all to dust.







Shoto was now on his knees in awe as Dabi was standing on Giganto Machia's back, who was still holding the ripped off Shigaraki Tomura.

Shoto:"No, Touya is dead. Take back that goddman lie!!!!"

Dabi then started laughing.

Dabi:"Nope, I'm clearly, alive!!! And that's the goddamn truth, brother!!! Because dad put a whole agency together of Fire and Heat tye Quirks, you didn't even suspect me!"

The others Villains were now looking at their comrades in awe, since they have never seen him spoke words and act like this, that was kinda creepy and weird, since he was always the calm one of the Vanguard Action Squad.

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