Chapter 83

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Toshinori Yagi, otherwise known as the number 1 Hero All Might, now fully recovered thanks to Recovery Girl was now walking outside his hospital room, while wearing a elegant suit.

Toshinori:(No emotion.....I could have feel them coursing throught him....He didn't care at all of his actions back then at the battle against the Heroes and Villains.....He's too much unstable.....too much dangerous......I've never seen such brutality.....This isn't good....We got to do something before he put himself into an even worse situation....Or he is going to end up like All For One......or maybe even worse than him....he's, he doesn't accept his mistakes, yet....someone has to guide him in the right path.)

In his way he met up with Hawks and Best Jeanist.

Hawks:"How are you doing All Might? They called me  'The Man that's a bit too fast', So I've been going around getting information from everybody." he said to Toshinori Yagi.

Best Jeanist:"Isn't it kinda rude?"he asked Hawks.

Hawks:"Oh, we're not done watching over Izuku Yagi. Forget that I don't look out for him, because I will...even if you don't like it All Might."

Toshinori Yagi then whipped out the tears that were forming in his eyes.

Toshinori:"No, it's quite alright! He'll be here soon. More than that, I'm happy that you guys are sticking up for him, even after what he has done. And what do you mean you've been going around getting information from everybody?" he asked Hawks.

Hawks:"Well, it's about Y/n......she might be in trouble. You see.....some scientists of the Government have started to analize her DNA from the previous battles and they have found out that....her blood......isn't human......her body....her look......isn't human....."

Toshinori then look at Hawks in confusion.

Toshinori:"Y-You're not making any sense....."

Hawks:"Her body constantly absorbs ultra violet radiations and convert it into energy. That's what the scientits have said due to a DNA analysis, they compared her DNA to one of the Nomus and it is totally different, aswell as her physiology.  They are planning to make more....experiments....they want to bring a bunch of secret soldiers and soldiers at the interview and take her to costudy....the media's been picking it up and it's been spreading out slowly and.....When I asked your daugther about Y/n's situation...she said she wasn't in the humor....and for what I've seen her powers...are based on her've seen way more stuff than us back in your Prime Age...does any of what I've told you...? I'm warning you number 1 Hero All Might, we're not just fighting the Villains any more, we're fighting the entire society as well, we have to make sure that not just Izuku, but aswell as all of our students stay safe and resolve this problem that is happening right now, before it's too late." he said to Toshinori Yagi, who then looked down on the floor and stayed quite as he remeber the promise he did to his friend David Shield from the America.







David:"This secret was kept to prevent mass panic across society. I hope you understand that this is for you aswell, got it? Toshi? No one has to find out, because these two girls that we have here are under our care, okay? Their safety is on our hands and the choices we do are important. There are ceirtain people in this world, who would do bad things to both of them, just for their entertainment. These type of people don't give up so easily." he warned the number 1 Hero Toshinori Yagi/ All Might.





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