Chapter 86

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It was now raining in a city as some people were either running away or attacking someone who appeared to be looking like a monster, due to her Quirk.

Civilian:"You monster!!!" he yelled as he started shooting with his high tech gun at the woman.

???:"Y-You've got it all wrong!! P-Please, leave me alone! I haven't doen anything wrong!! I-I'm scared!! P-Please, stop!!"she pleaded them.

???:"Y-You've got it all wrong!! P-Please, leave me alone! I haven't doen anything wrong!! I-I'm scared!! P-Please, stop!!"she pleaded them

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Civilian 2:"Yeah, right!!! You'r trying to get us to drop our guard and then you'll strike!!!!" he said as he pointed high tech gun at her.

???:"N-Nooooo!!!" she yelled as the Civilian then shoot at her.

However before the bulleat could've even hit her, Izuku with incredible speed catched it easily.

Izuku then stared at the bullet and back at the Civilians.

Izuku:"Hey.......HAVE YOU LOST YOUR GODDAMN MIND?!?!?" he yelled causing ghe ground beneath them to tremble as a thunder appeared in the sky.

The Civilians then start slowly backing away from Izuku, who just with a tiny pressure of his index and thumb crushed the bullet, making it even more tiny.

Izuku:"You just keep running your mouths! Yapping and yapping and yapping...." he then tilted his head as his eyes were glowing bright green.

Izuku:"I can't believe you can't recognized a Civilian from a Villain. How dumb do you people got to be, huh? Now I want you to piss off, really quickly before you end up just like those other motherf*ckers, I killed. I'm not playing games. GET THE F*CK OUT!!!!"he yelled as the Civilians then start tremble and gulped in fear.

Civilian 3:"Y-Yeah, well....S-She shouldn't wander around the dark looking like that."

Izuku:"What did you say? So, you wanna get sent to the Lord, himself, huh? SHUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH!!!!" he asked as the Civilian then start backing away and then running as the others who were with him followed him.

Izuku then sighed as his eyes stopped glowing and then put his hands on his pockets.

???:".........I was slow to evacuate......this town didn't experience any major upheaval at first, so....I just hid at home and waited for it all to blow over. I thought I should take shelter at a Hero School, so I ran out into the night and well........but people started getting hurt here and there, and I was scared. Thank you for saving my life. I-I'm sorry. Everything turned so horrible so fast!" she said as tears start appearing on her face as Izuku just looked at her in a neutral way.

Izuku:".........I bet.......everyone else is just as scared......."

???:"............I wonder if it will ever all go back to normal...."

Izuku:"...............I'll make it so......" he said calmly as the fox lady looked at him in confusion before having a very clear look of his face.

???:"'re Izuku Yagi.......the kid, that was in the news.....and the kid who......did all of those stuffs, right?"she asked as she barely recognized him due to the longer hair Izuku now has.

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