Chapter 67

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Izuku was still facing Shigaraki, who now fully recovered from his injuries and glare at Izuku.

Shigaraki:"Heroes, have been pretending to be protecting society...How many tiumes in the past...throught multiple generations, have they turned a blind eye to things they couldn't have protected or silently swept the filth of society under the rug? It's been building up frivolously . The result rot emanates from within and decay ensues, it's the small accumulation of this rot. The trash coddled by being protected all the time. The role players who only serves to spoil a an already broken society. The destruction that will ensue is merely the result of all the reckless grandstanding you've accumulated. That's how the weaklings get cast out. That's how they break and retaliate. That's how it loops back again, and again, and again...Simple, right?"he asked sarcastically at Izuku, who was now looking down and listening because in some part Shigaraki was right about how this society works and unfourtunately that's the reality.

Shigaraki:"You don't need to understand!!! In fact, you're incapable of understanding."he then start charging towards Izuku.

Izuku then sighed.

Izuku:"I'm sorry, to hear this, I'm really am, but I can't let you hurt anybody!!!" he said in a apologetic tone, before green aura start appearing around his body.

Izuku then flew straight at Shigaraki as the two fist clash causing the ground to tremble and creating a huge shockwave.

Izuku:(He's matching with my strenght now, he is evolving as the fight keeps going.)

Shigaraki then went to smack Izuku, who speed blitz behind the Leader of the Injustice League and supplex him, causing a large crater to appear on the ground.

Shigaraki's body then collpase on the ground as Izuku start punching him down, making the crater even more deeper and larger.

Izuku then was about to give SHigaraki another punch, until Shigaraki regained his senses and punch Izuku in the jaw sending him flying far away, with a single punch.

Izuku then ended crashing on a mountain of the waste land as Shigaraki then made a superhuman jump to get to him and as soon as he got there, Shigaraki then stomped on Izuku causing the green hair to caugh a lot of blood from his mouth.

Shigaraki then raised both of his fist and start punching Izuku over and over, causing the mountain to start falling and destroying itself.

Aizawa then noticed what was happening as his eyes widen even more.


Izumi then turn to see what was going on as her eyes widen too as she saw Shigaraki beating down on Izuku, who was trying his best to defend himself but couldn't because he was now overpowered by Shigaraki's brute force.

Shigaraki was now laughing as he was beating down Izuku, as the mountain fell into crumbles.

Izuku:(W-What kind of look is that?) he thought to himself as he was getting beat down to a pulp and was starting to lose consciousness and was having some visions in his head.





Nana:"I made sure, he can't be tracked down through the family register. If he discovers the existence of Kotaro , then he's defeanitely will try to exploit that. I never had a child...he never exist. Sorahiko, I never had-"





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