Chapter 114

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The space ship of the unknown leader flew down into a desert planet as the soldiers stepped out of it with their scouters on.

The unknown leader then made his way out, while being covered with a brown cloak hidding his identity.

???:" Let's start seaching for this disturbance......" he said with a smirk.

Soldier:" My Lord, there are two lower level energies in that direction...." he said while pointing to his right as the unknown leader, turned towards the soldier and raised an eye.

???:" Really? Let's go then." he said as he flew right towards where the soldier had pointed as the other soldiers followed their leader.








Soon after the defeat of his subordinates, the unknown leader of the new Intergalatic force has decided to intercept his foes himself. Now the battle of faith will finally begin.







Meanwhile they were flying, a second soldier's scouter pointed that the power level were beneath them.

Soldier 2:" My Lord, down there." he said as they all proceed to descend from the sky and were now face to face with Y/n and Xylene.

The leader then tilted his head looking down at the two alien women, most specifically Y/n.

???:" Are you the scoundrel that has been destroying Vilgax's empire?" he asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" You're no Vilgax, who are you?" she asked calmly.

???:" I made you a question, Troq." he said with a smirk under his brown cloak which hide most of his face.

A frown then appeared on Y/n's face as veins started to appear.

Y/n:" What?" she asked angrily this time.

( A/n: If you watched the Teen Titans OG and the episode called 'Troq', Troq is known as  a racial slur towards the Tamaraneans, meaning worthless and nothing.)

Y/n:" Don't you ever dare say such words to me ever again. I'm a fully fledge warrior. So I ask you again, who are you?" she asked angrily.

???:" Forgive me, my lady. It's just that your appearence reminds of the ancient race of the Troqs, who fought a long battle with the wicked warriors, however they only knew defeat as long as they existed with only one victory to their name............." he said with arrogance, but this also gave information about what happened to the Tamaraneans of that world unlike hers.

Y/n: ( Still a bad fate even in this world.) she thought in her head with a frown on her face.

Y/n:" Whatever......... Are you related to Vilgax anyhow? You're battle power is way above his.." she told to the unknown leader.

???:" What an impressive observation you have, despite not bearing no Scouter." he said with a smirk.

The unknown leader then removed his brown cloak, revealing his appearence.

The unknown leader then removed his brown cloak, revealing his appearence

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