My Guardian Angel Fallen from Space OVA Race Against Time: Part 2

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The Stage has been set for the finals on Battle Island, where the remaining warriors will compete for the coveted spot in the showdown against Lord Arion.

Ilea, Thesea, Tarren and a Pyronite Warrior were now on the stage with 4 portals waiting for them.

Intercom:"New Island..... New rules....... We've got 4 portals running underground, they lead to special battle zones in each direction after the qualifiers are assigned a portal by drawing lots they will be transported to their zone, there they will face our special guests...... Fighters from Across the Galaxies and planets!! Now pay attention here's where things get really spicy. Once a fight ends the challenge isn't over the victor must take a special lift and be the first to return to the center stage here on Battle Island..... The winner will then proceed to the final round against Lord Arion......." she said.

And after the countdown the 4 portals were activated as Ilea, General Tiger, Tarren and the Pyronite Warrior chose their own ways.

Intercom:" And they're off viewers can keep up with all of the excitement by watching the video screens....." she said as it shows where the 4 fighters ended up after entering the portals.






Ilea ended up in a Jungle Planet.

Ilea:" Do I have to look for Dumbo or something?" she asked herself in sarcasm.





Thesea in a Desert Planet as he started run like a quadruped.






Tarren in a Vulcanic planet.

Tarren:" Good thing that I deal with this type of heat....." he told to himself.







And the Pyronite Warrior in a Freezing planet.

Pyronite Warrior:" B-Bad t-thing t-that I-I'm not able to deal w-with t-this t-type of freezing temperture......" he told to himself while trembling and shaking from the amount of cold.










The Pyronite Warrior was now seen walking more and more in the Freezing planet and shaking from the frost to the point of turning blue.

Then all of the sudden the sound of a static was heard all over the planet causing the Pyronite Warrior to yell in pain as he fell to his knees.

A shadow like figure was now standing right infront of him as his hand reached towards the Pyronite Warrior.





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