Chapter 3 - Understanding The New World.

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Before you readers go into this Chapter, I'd like to point out that this is a Key Chapter. What I mean by that, is because there is so much important information included, readers might have to come back and re-read it as confirmation if something in later Chapters get confusing. If something is still confusing, comment and I'll respond to it. Enjoy the Chapter!

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"Welcome to The Lost Worldz. Please, create your character." A female voice insisted, as Michi, Lance and I found ourselves in a bright blue room with data floating around in the empty background. It had no walls, and the ground was invisible. It seemed like you could walk around it infinitely... We looked at each other and nodded, then simultaneously took one step, activating the creation sequence.

"Would you like to change your character's facial appearance?" The voice asked. We all looked at each other for an awkward moment then decided it was best to leave our faces how they are. Nowadays, only half the Gaming community changes their face around, and I'm too lazy to change a face already so good looking (´_ゝ`). We all took another step after at least changing our hairstyles a bit.

"Now, choose your Class. These Classes change your Weapons of choice, Overall Stats and Skills, and how effective you work in Keisei as well." The voice explained. This is where I know things will get interesting... There's Six Classes to choose from, and thanks to Michi being a Beta tester, we get extra background info on them from her experience:

Paladin, Long Sword and Shield: Arguably the most balanced of the Main Six, besides having a decrease in speed. It's Defence is almost impregnable, and it does decent damage to enemies that think they have an obvious advantage over them. Of course, do not underestimate them, and watch out for their Shield, because they can go Captain America on dat ass real quick. When it comes to Keisei, they'll probably be taking up the Tank role, so keep your distance when Paladins are with more unique allies. They can use a few buffs to further strengthen themselves and allies.

Assassin, Twin Daggers and Hidden Blades: Quiet, and really Fast. That's all there really needs to be said about any Rogue-type Class. Their speed greatly makes up for their decrease in damage, and their agility is a plus as well. Unexpected Players be warned, because the elusive Assassins always are quick on their feet. But keep in mind Players, you have to keep up with the Assassin's own impressive speed to be truly effective in using it. Keisei is not the Assassin's forte for numerous reasons, but all in all, they're still good to have in a group.

Magician, Wooden Staff and a Special Book of Spells: Summoning Spells are key to mastering this Class, but there is so much more you can do, of course. They're not very good in healing or dealing physical attacks, so they use their Summoned Beasts/Pets to do it for them. The increase in their Mana bar has the price of decreasing their Damage, but only slightly in the long run. Elemental Spells are also a plus, since Magicians cover all the basics in Wizardry. Using Keisei, Magicians have to power to pass on their genius to other non-Magicians, all the while being able to utilize more Spells at a smaller price of Mana depletion. The only setback is that only certain Summons can be used during Keisei.

Fighter, Hand to Hand Combat and Bandages of The Magi: Just because they use their limbs to fight, don't mean you should take these savages lightly, like, at all. Using a combination of slow and fast attacks, Fighters are the most headstrong and the most risky (Assassins come in a split second for risks) of the Main Six. Finding a way to get close to their opponents can be a challenge to some, but the use of the Fighter's certain skills can have an opponent's weaknesses open in a heartbeat. Using Keisei techniques would usually have Fighters be able to take over as the Tank, but they can be used for other group roles as well. Fighters also posses the Bandages of The Magi, which can utilize buffs, and make their physical attacks have magical-like properties...

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