Chapter 15 - So My Wife's A Demon... Big Deal.

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- VR FPS Game Blaster Vs Blaster. Inside The Sen Gema's Hidden Hideout -

"Hahahaha! I'm Shikinara, the most badass Flaming Demon ever spawn from the Devil himself. I'm taking you all on!" The young woman gloated, spinning around her sub-machine gun like a toy. She had no teammates, but she was planning on taking not only me, but the entire Nine Savage Banme on, in a single duel. All in all, she doesn't look like a Demon, but a really good looking female, so I didn't pay it any mind. Kyuu did otherwise...

In this game though, Futuristic Tech-Guns are really the only weapons, so we all have different types of them, ranging from handguns that shoot Lasers to RPG's. Being the Number 1 Squadron in the world doesn't give us much time to deal with one person, but this woman found our hideout... No one, and I mean no one, even wanted to try and find our Squad Base. This one has to be up to something.

"A Demon, huh? Hey, Kyuu, we got another one talking about that kind of shit." San taunted, refilling his shotgun with that famous grin of his. I sighed and looked at Kyuu, who was staring dead at Shikinara... I guess she fell right into San's grasp.

"A Flame Demon? I could care less if you were Human or Demon. Any Demon willing to risk their lives can step up, and get shot down." She stated, picking up her sniper rifle, with her famous face of zero expression (excluding dull, blank, and lifeless). I hardly ever pay attention to Kyuu when she talks about Demons like that, but now there's a second grown woman saying things like that... San and Ichi were just laughing at the fact.

"How did 'dis chick find our Squad's Base anyways, mon?!?" Go asked, taking out both his assault rifles and pointing them at the woman. The two stopped laughing once they finally noticed it.

"I dunno, but I'm looting whatever she drops when we take her out!" Ichi proclaimed, taking aim on her Rocket Launcher.

"Splitting equally never works with you people...!" Ni complained. He stood up and took out his detonators... I then remembered he told me about setting bombs all around the base a few days back...!

"Not now, Ni... Just, hold on a second." I spoke up, and everyone lowered their weapons. I'm just glad only 5 of the 9 Banme are on... Any more and this Shikinara woman would've been spawned to the nearest town with nothing but a starter weapon and her underwear right about now.

I hopped out my chair and slowly approached her, with my Golden Magnum's in my holsters to show I have no intention of shooting her down... Even though it sounded like a good idea at first.

"You say you're, 'A Demon', huh?" I asked.

"Aww, don't tell me you believe her...?!?" San blurted out, and I shot him an evil glare, shutting him up before his mouth gets him shot with something other than a glare.

"Hell yeah. But bitches on any game just don't believe me at all until I burn their asses." She replied with a slick smile.

"Oh really? Well, I believe you. And look, I'm burn free!" I said with a laugh. I could sense that Kyuu was twitching her eye at me at this point.

"Awwwwww, don't tell me you're actually hitting on this woman..." I heard San mutter. He was about to say something else, but I shot him in his mouth before he could even move his jaw.

"~GAAHGH!! You bitch! That was uncalled for!!" San spewed, wiping the blood off his mouth as his health started regenerating back. The woman suddenly gasped, then ran out of the hideout.

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