Chapter 11 - Desert Duel! Tracksuit Jones and His Ultimate... Tracksuit?

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"A desert...? A freakin' desert?!" I looked around and saw nothing but sand and ancient looking pillars.

"So this is what a Duel Map looks like on this game." Michiko chimed in. I looked up at the gleaming sun...

"It's pretty hot out here for a simple Dueling area." I added on.

"~I, Tracksuit Jones... Never gets hot. The sun wears shades whenever Tracksuit Jones walks outside. The sun always has a smile on his face because when Tracksuit Jones takes a selfie, Tracksuit Jones has everyone cheesin' on his Instagram Page..." Some random black guy with a blue and white striped Tracksuit comes out of nowhere, obviously sweaty and out of breath... The Tracksuit doesn't seem affected by that though, at least.

"The Hell is wrong with that guy...?" Michiko asked confusingly. She turns into a different person whenever Katsu's not around. She seems all cheerfully when he's with her, but if they get far away enough from each other, Michiko starts acting more like... Well, Katsu.

"The name's Jones. Pause," He did an over-dramatic pose, "Tracksuit, Jones." He puffed up his neatly kept afro and aimed his fist at us, as the Duel Countdown started...

"So, do you think this game's infirmary is expensive? If I were you, I would've saved the money instead of paying for that hot-ass Tracksuit, and spent it on a couple hospital beds. Trust me," I took out my Bow and a few Arrows, "You're gonna need one for you and that Tracksuit of yours."

Michiko punched her knuckles together, showing off her now equipped Gauntlets Katsu gave her. Getting into the Technician gig, she was tinkering with those gloves for most of the part of our training thanks to Diaga...

~ Flash Back ~

"Michi, you gotta control that new Skill... It packs a punch, I'll give you that." I commented, rubbing my jaw and getting back up. I stomped down on the tip of my Bow and watched it flip up into the air like a skateboard. I caught it and aimed right at Michi's shoulder.

"Okay, I'm gonna hit you with my Lightning Arrow again. Try to deflect it, and rush in and try the Sonic Dash again." I warned, pulling the magic-infused Arrow back.

"Alright, I'm ready." She put up her left hand and braced for the shot. Planting my foot down, I prepared to take it.

"... Lightning-Arrow!" I shouted, letting it go and seeing it fly straight towards her. She swung her left hand away to try and deflect it, but she did swung too early. The Arrow pierced right through her, and she fell to the ground due to the constant times we've practiced. The thing about the Electric Hero is that they can deflect almost any electric attack that gets thrown at them, but the timing needs to be perfect, because a frame off can make the deflection completely miss.

"I'm... I'm fine. Let's keep going." She muttered, still on the ground.

"Wow, you really are the persistent one, Michi." Diaga appeared from behind her and summoned her little Drones. The Drones circled around her, causing an electric flow of energy to heal Michiko. After the light show, she reached behind her and smiled...

"Guess what I have..." She mocked. She revealed that she had two Hacker cloths in one hand and a new set of black clothes in the other. After I equipped it and flung the scarf over me, I felt like being part of some kind of dark royal guard.

"Heheh, perfect... Thanks Diaga." I said, satisfied with the kindness.

"Wait until Katsu-kun gets a load of this!" Michiko taunted. Diaga grinned and looked at Michi's Gauntlets.

"You morphed with the Technician to use those Gauntlets, right? You haven't done any Upgrades with it, have you?" She questioned, and Michi shook her head no.

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