Chapter 4 - Survival in The New World... Part 2

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"So you have realized how bad a parent you've been. Well, at least you saved me the waste of energy of having to beat your entire ass, for now. And I'm sure you know that Mom would've kicked your face in for all of this." I told him as I pushed myself out of the hug.

"Get a hold of yourself, Tencho. We gotta get out of here and off that guy who captured us." I told him, calling him by his real name. The term Sen Gema is a myth, and I refuse to take the false nickname seriously... He's played and mastered tons more games than a mere thousand. Oku Gema should really be his title. He wiped his face and showed a slight smirk.

"Heheh... My son, saying he's gonna take someone's life. Just like that?" He questioned.

"That is supposed to mentally scar me, ain't it?" I replied with another question, since killing someone is literally killing someone now, which is a whole other ball game...

"Your English Teachers already mentally scarred you, so you don't have to worry too much about that." He remarked. I pulled out my bag to look for anything that could help with a breakout. Not much in my inventory but a weird looking Box, a huge container of Spider Blood, and a somewhat good pair of Bandages of The Magi I must've looted from the Cave. Tencho peaked in and pointed to the Bandages.

"The guys that captured me took my beginner's Bandages. What you have in your bag is even better." He explained, as I tossed it to him. He put them on and they began glowing. He began to surge a flaming energy around the gloves, while I kept looking in my bag.

"Hmm... You know what this is, by any chance?" I asked, picking up the strange purple box. Tencho shoved me and pulled me to the corner. Before I can even yell at him, he put his index finger up to his mouth, telling me to be quiet.

"Shh... That box lets out a loud ringing sound when you open it... Wait for the signal, then open it up. It'll give you something either extremely useful, or completely worthless. Odds are, anything could help us right about now." He explained. That made me think about the Rarity mechanisms of the game. The Loot system is color-coded, and goes up to five levels of rarity:

Gray - Common, clothes or scraps for making something. Not entirely useless stuff are included in this category, so don't be quick to hate on the Grays just because you looted a flower pot with no flowers to put in it...

Green - Uncommon, a bit more rare items. Getting one of the Main Six Classes as a Loot Drop will fall under this category.

Yellow - Rare, when things start getting good. These Loot Drops can have unique Classes included, as well as even better gear.

Silver - Super Rare, when things really start getting good. Special articles of Clothing, Rare Classes and Weapons, and even Skills that are otherwise hard to unlock are in this Category.

Gold - Ultra Rare, when there's no words to explain the savagery... Not much is said about Ultras, but you guys can already guess in the first place.

Red - Doesn't exactly count as a category because it only focuses on clothes and it's dyes. With these drops, you can wear them without worrying about a change in stats, because these Rare beauties only change the style of the equipment, and keep the original stats your old clothes had.

As Tencho slowly walked up to the metal bars of the cell, I was wondering what the signal could be... A whistle? A hand sign?? The phrase 'This is the signal'??? But knowing Tencho, I knew deep down inside he was about to do something way more reckless... He raised his arm in the air and pointed it at the metal bars. He then cleched that arm with his other hand.

"... Conquerer's Will." He called out as a condensed shockwave came from his arm, violently vibrating the bars, possibly causing the entire prison to shake. The vibrations almost made my whole body numb, but I fought it and tapped open the purple box with my finger. It made a slight ringing noise, but I'm sure it would've been louder if the vibrations wasn't disrupting most of it...

"Rare And Random!!!" The Box shouted out all of a sudden, and it instantly spat out an object. I grabbed whatever it was and hid it in the corner. As the vibration kept going, Tencho staggered back to me... He only had Ten Health Points left out of 5,000!!! It must be these collars we have on, odds are they limit your power.

He pointed to my bag, or rather the Spider Blood inside it. I passed the jar to him as his Bandages glowed with a bright angelic light. He seems like he's transmuting the Blood into something else...

After the short ritual, he chugged it down and patiently waited for his Health to go up with a little bit of help from meditation. Wait, did he just change that blood into a Health Potion by using those Bandages!?! He must be using the Monk Class, another Class-Cross!

By that time, the vibration stopped, and of course, The Hunter came rushing to our cell.

"What are you two planning?" He questioned with a sly smirk. Tencho and I looked at each other then back at him...

"Shit, I don't know... We were in here, plotting on how we're gonna get outta here and plant your ass into the ground, then that earthquake happened." Tencho taunted with a shrug. The Hunter made a face of disbelief, so I had to push it a bit further...

"That earthquake gone and messed up our train of thought. Lucky you, what we had in mind was making you our bitch ass slave before ending your life. But now, I'm thinking about a personal shoe shiner, since my boots are getting a little dusty... Might not be as noble as a servant, but you get the picture..." I added on, as we stared down the Hunter.

"We'll just have to see about that (⇀‸↼‶) ." He replied, walking away. I can't believe we got away with that...

"So, what did you get from the Box?" Tencho asked. We walked back into the corner and I peeked at the Yellow Loot Drop.

"Lectrode's Gauntlets... These look like they're are soley for The Electro Hero Class..." Tencho explained, crushing my hopes of electrocuting someone. The Electro Hero is the Doki-Kurasu of the Magician and Technician, which I am neither of.

"Whatever, it was worth a shot. I still got my Hidden Blades anyways." I remembered, shooting them out and wiping them off a bit, then retracting them back in my sleeves.

"He must've not have noticed I had on the Bandages of The Magi either. Perfect, all going according to plan." He said.

"According to what now?" I questioned. Out of nowhere, the lights of the old prison went out, as the collar's lights went off. All of this startled me, so I took my Hidden Blades out as I heard digging from the bottom of our cell...

"Relax, Katsu. This is the welcoming party." Tencho said with a slight smirk. Three figures quickly popped out of the dirt hole and landed right in front of me...

"L-Lance?? Michi?!?"

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