Chapter 9 - Entering The New Tourney!

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"Milady, The Tournament Announcements are ready to be sent out." A knight-like bodyguard showed up pressing numerous buttons on his HUD screen.

"Perfect. Go ahead and send it." Lady Kuro requested, drinking a rather large bottle of wine. A few moments later, a notification popped up in my HUD display. Opening the letter up, I read through it excitedly:

Dragunn Village Announcement, Good Morning to all Lost Worlderz in Dragunn Territory. A brand new Novice Tourney is approaching and we welcome any and all Players willing to duke it out for the secret grand prize! Registration and the actual Tournament will take place in two days time. The Registration rules are below:

- Only Players that are Level 20 and Below are able to enter.
- Any participant under Level 5 must be in a group of three.
- Any participant in Levels 5 - 9 must be in a group of two.
- Any participant in Levels 10 - 14 can choose whether to have a partner or not.
- Any participant in Levels 15 - 20 cannot have a partner, and therefore must fight alone.
- All Group Members must be in the same Level Range.
- An even Higher-Leveled Champion could fight the Winner(s) of the Tournament for an extra secret prize, depending if the winner(s) wants to.

We hope to get as many Players as possible, so come out and fight!

Signed, Lady Kuro.

I looked at Lance, then Kuro, then back at the letter... I then finally processed the problem and blurted out, "You gotta be friggin' kidding me!! Only TWO to a group for Level Five's?!?"

"Can't be serious... Milady is trying to break up our threesome." Lance calmly realized. I then kept my composure, for I reminded myself that I'm supposed to be the Quiet Badass around here...

"I can't have three of the likes of you in the same group, it just wouldn't be fair. Diaga told me all about your little bout with Zero, and as much as I'm impressed, I don't know if the other participants will match your strengths." Lady Kuro claimed.

"Katsu-kun, what're we gonna do??" Michi asked, grabbing onto me. Obviously, she wants to be in a group with both of us. Suddenly, an idea popped up in mt head...

"Go ahead and enter with Lance. I gotta partner in mind that you two wouldn't know about, so no worries." I simply told her with a laid back impression. I looked over at Zero, who was literally overflowing with joy over the fact that I'd consider asking his daughter. How he knew I was talking about Yuri, I have no idea. I'm not that lonely... Am I? (ಥ_ಥ)

"Really? It'll be alright with you?" She questioned. I shot a blank expression at her.

"... You were the one just complaining. I should be askin' you that." I replied. Lance broke in and put his arms over both our shoulders.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. It'd be a crying shame if I gave you that Sword then noticed I was better off keeping it in my inventory. Try to prove to me that it was a gift worth giving." He proclaimed with a sly grin.

"Ha. Funny. Thing is, you won't be saying that once I cram said Sword up your ass! You just pray to God it won't be a Critical Hit, Lance." I retorted with the same grin. Zero suddenly patted my head.

"You better hurry up and convince her to join the Tournament. She really isn't in to PvP, so I wish ya the best of luck." Zero explained. Oh shit, I didn't actually think about how I was gonna get that girl to team up with me, let alone train for it beforehand m(-__-)m ...

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