Chapter 14 - Savage Match-Up

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"... Well, this could've been harder..." Zero said, as Lady Kuro and I walked inside the doors of The Dark Hold. He's been in the first floor for five minutes, and when we walk in, all we see is bodies scattered across the room... The smell of Darkness slowly faded as the demonic energy started to die out.

"You wiped them out? All of them?" I asked. Zero shook his head while picking his ear with his pinky finger.

"Like I said, it could've been harder."

"So, the Raid became a Hunt. Whoever's calling the shots must be a Low Level, or just spying on us." Lady Kuro stated.

"We'll just have to look for 'em..." Zero suggested, opening up his HUD. He equipped some type of ear piece and tapped on it...

"Hey, Diaga... Yeah, it's Zero... We need your help after all... A Tech should be able to find whoever's runnin' things in here... Wha-? Whaddya mean you're in the middle of the Tournament?!?"

~ Switch ~

"Hang up the phone, Diaga! Taking your eyes off me will only make the win easier!!" I taunted, shooting the volley of arrows straight at her. Those Drones of hers got in the way and deflected all of them. I grinned and reloaded my newly obtained Crossbows, and fell back to gain some distance.

"... Michi, how're things with Ichi??" I shouted out, making sure I don't lose track of Diaga. Since Ichi is a Monk, I had high hopes that Michi could hold her off untill I take out the real mastermind, Diaga. Jumping the overwhelmed Ichi should hardly be a problem after that...

"Not good, I can't find her!!" Michi yelled back. Being in the woods doesn't help her chances at all, though. I took a few dummy shots at Diaga, who took the bait, then blocked at the last second... Just a small chance that this'll work...

"Full Auto!" I shot endless rounds at her this time. Being at a stalemate gave me more time to think... What to do... Technician's equipment doesn't have that good of defence, but she is a Hacker, which makes things being difficult a bit more understandable.

Suddenly, she moved her Drones out the way and took the Arrows head on. I had a full bar of mana, so I could keep chipping Health off her like this...~

"~Just a little longer..." Diaga muttered under fire.

(-____-) Longer for what???

I stopped my Full Auto and quickly realized that, like, ALL, of her Drones are planted in the ground around me...

"Trap, Set!" Diaga set off a Skill that made the Drones connect to each other with electrical poles... Electricity as an Element is starting to get on my nerves...

"Punishment!" The Cage let out an electric shock, bringing me to my knees and taking down enough HP to make me worry...

... Okay, Electricity is now more annoying than Tracksuits. Yes. I went there...

"You'll just have to stay there for now, Lance." Diaga somewhat taunted, running off in the direction where I last heard Michi's voice. It sounded like she said half, more than have, for some reason... It then hit me that I only have half of my mana left... Don't tell me that I have to wait untill my mana has to be filled all the way for it to open...?! That would mean she stole our strategy!!

... Or, I need to use a powerful skill that would usually use up half of my mana... With this method, I'd get out this cage a lot faster, but I'll have to rush to Michi's side with no mana at all. Still, I could just use Keisei if that's the case, but then I'll have to make sure we take them out in that amount of time...

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