Anniversary Chapter

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"So do you think she's actually going to follow through?" Laura asked as she combed her fingers through windswept hair. We walked back to the shack, where we'd finally finish up the shift.

I shrugged, not quite sure myself. "Dunno. Everything she says is up for interpretation. I don't take her seriously."

"I can't believe you could get fired on the third day, Emmett."

"Stop talking about it, you're gonna jinx it."

Yes, I am about to get fired. Was thirty minutes late to the shift due to a nice dream during an afternoon nap. Damnit.

We arrived at the shack to find our coworkers sleeping. Donny was passed out with his head against the counter. Brendon was leaning back, eyes closed and mouth hanging open. His eyelashes fluttered and faltered. Must've been dreaming. Long day of doing nothing, I guess.

"Y'know I kinda wish one of them would get fired instead."

I nodded. "Me too. Hopefully Donny. Or I guess I'd be a little less distracted if it were Brendon..." Laura giggled. I smiled and slammed my hand against the counter.

"Jeez!" Donny startled awake, starting to cough almost immediately after. Brendon yawned and leaned forward, grinning.

"Keys?" I asked, holding my hand out to him.

His smile wavered, one eyebrow raising higher than the other. "I thought you had 'em."

"Well I don't."

"Well I don't either, and you were supposed to have them. I thought you said you'd keep them safe."

"Uhhhh..." His expression went blank. Laura was silent and Donny continued his coughing fit. Could this timing be any worse? Now I was so fired and Brendon probably was too. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him with the keys.

"We'll look for it Emmett, it's gotta be around here somewhere," Laura said, patting my shoulder.

"It better fucking be." I glanced at the two in the cabin, who both looked at each other, snickering. "You two look in the shack. We're gonna look around."

Brendon stood up and peered around the building. "Where's the last place you saw it?"

"I didn't have it, you did," I hissed. Not even his looks could save him this time. He was going to get me actually fired. Like, actually.

Laura and I wandered across the pool deck chatting mindlessly about the job. We checked the guard chair, the shed, even the pool noodle holder.

"They'll find it in the shed. Brendon had it, didn't he?" Laura asked as I slammed the shed door closed.

"Honestly, I don't even know anymore."

She laughed. I would too, if my job wasn't in danger. I mean, working here didn't mean that much to me, but I kind of liked it so far. Plus I had good coworkers. Even though he turned out to be pretty idiotic, Brendon was actually fun to be around. And Donny was a nice guy. Too bad I'd probably be replaced by some other rando in a couple days.

"You'll be okay," Laura said. "Let's just go back to the shack and see if they have anything." I raised my brows. They would've told me if they found it. She sighed, as if reading my mind. "It's been like fifteen minutes, they might've found it and fell asleep."


We walked back, squinting in the darkness at Donny, who was at the counter of the cabin, talking quietly with Brendon who was presumably still inside.

"Find it?" I asked. Donny frowned and shook his head.

Brendon leaned forward out the window. "Should we check the locker rooms?"

"Why would they end up there?"

"Maybe they are there," Donny smiled. "Emmett, you guys can check the guys locker room and me and Laura will check over the shack."

I scowled. "Whatever."

Now usually I'd be ecstatic about the thought of being alone in the locker room with Brendon. Wow, that sounded odd. What I mean is I was very interested in him, in a way that people are interested in other attractive people. But right now I kind of wanted to kill him. Maybe the locker room was the perfect place to do that though.

"Y'know, I don't get why we always have to do this," I said as Brendon hopped over the counter.

"What, split up? We cover more ground this way," Donny said with a smirk. 

"He's just horny," Brendon muttered in my ear, "Not that I can say I'm any better."

We walked to the other building, the door falling shut behind us. My face was feeling hotter as I took in what Brendon just said. He was so confusing. I never knew when he was flirting or just saying weird things with no context. I squinted at him as he fixed his hair in the long mirror ahead.

I groaned in the realization that yes, I was so fired. "This is all your fault."

"Hey, chill out," he said, turning to face me. "At least we'll be fired together, right?"

"As if. You didn't get here thirty minutes late." I wandered through the aisles of lockers, listening to his footsteps now across the room.

"Yeah but Pam already hates my guts."

"It's the first week, how could she hate you already?"

"Pretty sure she hates everyone, Emmett."

I turned around, realizing we had covered the whole area, meeting back at that mirror. "I'm so fired. Thanks a lot, you asshole."

"Hey, it's not my fault." He gazed off to the side and mumbled, "You were supposed to have it."

"No, you were."

He tilted his head and walked closer. "Maybe..."

"Your fault. I'm gonna beat you up." I threw a fake punch at him, then another, stopping just before his face. he smiled as he caught my fists.

"Good luck. I still think it was your responsibility," he lowered his voice. "I think you owe me an apology—"

"We found it!" I shoved my hands in my pockets, turning to see the door swing open. Laura and Donny stood there, and the keychain was wrapped around her finger. I felt a wave of relief wash over me (although my face still felt hot from the questionable conversation I was just engaged in). 

"Oh thank God," I said, rushing over to swipe the key off Laura's hand. "I'm never giving this to you again," I glared at Brendon, who smiled and shrugged. Another day survived at this goddamn country club.

A/N- Hey y'all, I just realized it's been 1 year since I started After Hours!!! So, I wrote this bonus chapter which takes place between chaps 2-3 (so it was before Emmett heard Claire's silly goose rumors). Thanks for all the support from old and new readers alike! I've been trying to reply to comments as much as possible and I'm so grateful for over 50k reads! I hope you liked this chapter and also please check out my new book, Cross Country !! (link posted below)

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