Chapter Four

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Despite having only two drinks the night before, I found myself struggling to get out of bed this morning. My back hurt and my head was pounding. I guess neither me nor Amy handled our alcohol very well. As I rose from my bed, I took in the sad scene around me. We were in my room. Amy was passed out on the floor. Reuben and Mags were laying on the air mattress, their limbs tangled together. Walter was nowhere to be found. Likely already downstairs, as he had work today too. I stepped over Amy’s outstretched arm and made my way to the door.

Walter was already downstairs, eating a bowl of cereal. He nodded at me as I came down the stairs. I grabbed a bowl and filled it, and we stood in silence eating cereal in the kitchen. 

I had a half an hour before I had to be at work. I glanced out the window. My prayers had been answered. Heavy drops of rain fell from the sky, covering my patio in a giant puddle of rainwater. The garden wasn’t flooded, thankfully, and I spotted my neighbor’s cat, Amistad, taking shelter beneath our glass dining table. That damn cat was always in our yard. I’d found countless vegetables in our garden (usually lettuce) with chunks missing. Bite marks covered the majority of our watermelons. 

“I guess that’s good news for you,” Walter said. He sipped the milk in his bowl. I cringed at this and shook my head.

“Yeah, I’ll be stuck in the shack with Brendon all day,” I mumbled. After devouring the rest of my cereal, I ran upstairs to get dressed. 

After grabbing a random pair of shorts, a t-shirt and my red lifeguard sweatshirt, I rushed to the bathroom. I’d have to get ready there since my friends could wake up at any moment. 

My hair was a bit of a mess when I looked in the mirror. It was dark, curly and messy as usual, but today it stuck out in every direction. I felt the urge to straighten it or at least comb it, but I was running out of time. The hair situation was dismissed. After I grabbed my backpack, I ran downstairs, passing Walt.

“Have a good day!” I yelled to him. I left through the back, passing the poor, wet cat. I contemplated stopping and saying hello, but I decided he had this coming. Karma for eating my vegetables. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me.

“Hey, wait. I’ll drive you. Amy can pick you up later,” Walt said, taking his keys out of his pocket. I decided to go along with him. Carpooling saves gas. Plus, I had been in such a rush that I forgot my own keys.


No one was at the club when we arrived. The parking lot was empty, save a few of the managers’ cars. I spotted Pam’s old truck and felt slightly relieved that I wasn’t stranded. Parking spots were easy and we found a good one in no time. But I didn't have an umbrella on me. The rain had calmed down a little (much to my disappointment), so I just decided to brave the weather. 

“You sure? We can wait it out a little longer,” Walt said. 

“I’ll be fine. See you later!”

Cold drops of water pricked my skin. A pins-and-needles sensation washed over my body. All I wanted was to be inside. It didn’t take long to reach the shack. It was already open, too.

“Hey, Emmett,” Brendon called as I opened the door. “No umbrella?”

“Forgot it,” I muttered, running my hands through my now-soaked hair. It seemed that he had just arrived too. Water ran from his hair, down his neck. My eyes traced his skin, admiring every inch.

“How’s your friend?” he asked, referring to Amy. I’d almost forgotten that he saw her last night. I tossed my bag under the counter and sat down.

After Hours (boyxboy) | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora