Bonus Chapter Six

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To be honest, I never saw myself going to college. I wasn't particularly smart, and my motivation was kind of nonexistent. But there I was, lugging my last suitcase down the steep stairs of my former home. Former home... that sounded strange.

In the carport was where the rest of my luggage waited. I couldn't drive myself. Freshmen weren't permitted to have cars on campus. So my dad was going to drive me there, since my mom would probably find some way to stay once she got to the dorms. Plus, my dad's truck could fit all of my stuff. I didn't have a ton of stuff, but it was enough to fill my mom's trunk almost to capacity.

I dragged the suitcase down the last few steps, trying my very best not to break my neck (that wouldn't be very good considering I started college in a matter of days). My mom sat in the kitchen. I think she was trying to avoid thinking about me. Being that she was single, she would be alone once I moved out. It made me sad to think about it. But I'd visit often — I wasn't going far.

The summer air rustled in the trees, filling the almost depressing silence. A lot of college kids had already left. Thankfully, most of my friends hadn't yet. Only Rachel, Donny and Laura had already gone.

My dad's car rolled down the street. I stopped in the driveway as he pulled in. His eyes seemed to widen at the boxes in the carport. He turned off the car and hopped out.

"Morning, Dad," I said. He smiled and pulled on his sunglasses.

"Morning, kiddo." He wrapped me into a tight hug, almost suffocating me. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't allow it. But it was kind of a big day.

We silently walked to the carport to take the boxes. Through the lattice fence, I could see the garden. Amistad lay on the patio, licking his paw. I looked to my dad. He smiled, but didn't say a word. I did the same. After a few boxes, another car pulled up.

Reuben's red van appeared in front of the house. It'd probably be a while before I saw that thing again. I put down the box in my arms, and jogged over to greet my friends. Amy, Walter, Mags and Reuben got out. We'd been friends forever. And now I'd probably only see them once a month.

"Hey!" Amy slapped her arms onto my shoulders. I forced a smile and hugged her.

"You okay, bud?" Mags asked, "You look sad."

Walt laughed. "Of course he's sad. He's leaving us forever." I winced and pulled away from the hug. Mags ruffled my hair.

"Not forever. We said we'd meet up once a month," she said. "Right?"

"Yeah, duh. You can't get away that easily," Amy joked. I laughed and nodded along.

I blinked away a tear. The night before, I told myself it'd be easy. But now I was beginning to doubt that. "I'll see you guys soon, okay?"

They all nodded and took turns hugging me goodbye. They'd all be leaving a week later. Mags and Reuben were both going to the same place (somewhere in Pennsylvania). Amy had decided to wait a year. Walt and Zoe were going to New York together. My other friends were staying in the state. Thankfully, Brendon was included in that.

"Later, bro," Reuben said as he opened the car door for Mags.

I smiled sadly. "See ya."

The van drove away, leaving me to help my dad with the boxes. It looked like he hadn't even touched them. In fact, when I returned to the carport he wasn't even there. I glanced at the backyard. He was sitting next to the cat, seemingly talking to him. I'd call him crazy if I hadn't done the same myself.

I sighed and turned to the boxes, but something — someone — else caught my eye.

He waved his arms over his head as he walked up the driveway. "Emmett!"

"Brendon!" I yelled back, mimicking his wave.

He laughed and stopped to greet me. Our lips connected, bringing the tears back to my eyes. We'd only be a few miles away. That's what I kept telling myself. Part of me wanted to just enroll in his school. But we were going different places. At least we'd end up together in the end.

"Are you excited?"

"Not really. I'm just sad."

"We'll see each other, like all the t—"

His words were interrupted by the honk of a car. I glared at the white mercedes as it rolled into the last space in the driveway.

"Is that Claire and Theo?" my dad asked, now standing behind us.

I glanced back at him and nodded before walking over to the car. Claire looked miserable. Theo looked... well, fine. He was fine.

"Just stay here.," Claire cried as she crashed into me. "I can be your sugar daddy."

Theo burst out laughing. I patted her back. "That's not how it works."


"Not everyone has a rich dad to get you a job," I muttered. Theo shook his head and leaned against the car. Claire sobbed into my shoulder. I knew she'd be sad, but I didn't know she'd cry. We tried to contain our laughter as she sniffled.

Theo smiled. "Excited?"

"Not really."

"You'll do great." He pulled Claire off of me. She rubbed her eyes, mascara smudging across her face.

I nodded. "Thanks."

"We'll call every weekend, right?" Claire whimpered.

I nodded and gave her one last hug. Theo climbed into the car after saying goodbye. Claire lingered, but eventually gave in. They'd both be staying here — they were set to take over their fathers' positions once they retired. Theo was actually planning on taking some classes nearby. Claire wanted to model part time. Either way, I wasn't sure how much longer our friendship would last. As much as it hurt to say, Claire was never the best friend. And Theo was always distant. I couldn't see us having neighborly barbeques together — something I considered a red flag.

Brendon and my dad strolled around the driveway, carrying boxes and chatting about something. I felt myself smile as I joined them.

Soon, there were no boxes left to move. Dread filled my throat as my dad went inside to get my mom. It was time. I put my hands in my pockets, staring at the asphalt beneath us.

"I'll see you next weekend?" Brendon asked, his hand wandering to my shoulder. I leaned into him. Lavenders wouldn't smell the same without him. His arms wrapped around my torso, closing the gap between us.

"Call you tonight," I mumbled into the fabric of his t-shirt. We stood there until my parents came outside again.

My mom wore a frown and already-wet eyes. My dad wasn't at that stage yet — he'd be there until I was ready to move in. When I pulled away from Brendon, his vision was clouded with tears too. I touched his cheek, then gave him one more kiss. We pulled away, not wanting to make a scene in front of my parents. That wouldn't turn out too good.

"Ready to go?" My dad asked, patting my shoulder, then Brendon's.

I nodded. "I guess so." He walked around the car and jumped into the driver's seat.

My mom stepped forward and reached out her arms, holding me in a tight hug. She'd still have Amistad. Even if he was just our neighbor's cat. And maybe she'd meet someone (the thought wasn't my favorite, but I'd be happy if she was). She pressed her head into my shoulder, then let me go.

"Make friends," she sighed, "Be careful."

"I'll call tonight."

"Good." A tear rolled down her cheek. I wiped it away and backed towards the car.

Brendon gave me another smile, and told me he'd talk to me later. I fought the urge to hug him again. Instead, I nodded and climbed into the truck. Dad didn't speak as we left the driveway. My home disappeared in the distance, the rest of the neighborhood following. It'd been a while since I looked at the trees. Spring had done them well.

A/N — Who's sad?? I am! After Hours is officially done (unless I decide to write another bonus or something). Thanks so much again to everyone who has and is supporting me! If you want to read more of my work, check out my profile (and give me a follow if you want!) I love all you readers! Thank you!!

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