Chapter Three

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This week had been exhausting. It was finally Saturday, my second day off. I’d have to go to work tomorrow. But tonight, I was going to a party.

Angie was a friend of mine. She was close with Claire and Theo. It was a well-known fact that she threw the best parties in town. She lived in a huge house (full of alcohol) and her parents were barely ever home. Hence the frequent and large parties. Today there was going to be one, and I wasn’t going to miss it. 

I woke up at noon today. This was unusual for me. Normally, I’d wake up at nine on a day off. But I was tired. As it turned out, sitting in the sun for long periods of time really drained my batteries. The same thing applied to the others. Laura took naps in the snack shack and once, Donny dozed off while on duty. Brendon usually kept it together though. I’d be impressed, but Claire recently spilled the beans on his and Jennie’s breakup. 

Brendon allegedly broke up with Jennie because she told him she loved him —  maybe she was moving a little fast, but it didn't seem like a good reason to break up. Plus, he was apparently a dick about the whole ordeal and even confessed he had hooked up with another girl a few weeks ago. What a shame. I was really starting to like him.

I finally got out of bed at around one to eat “breakfast” (which was two pieces of toast and an apple). My friends Amy, Mags, Walter and Reuben were coming over at four so we could get ready and carpool to the party. So I ate my breakfast, showered, and looked for an outfit.


My friends finally arrived about ten minutes late. The party was starting at around six, but we planned to get ready and eat something before. We did this often. Pretty much every time we went to one of these parties. 

We sat on my bed, discussing our mostly uneventful weeks. Amy was running extra late, but she would be there soon. Mags was currently telling us about the guy she met at the supermarket on Thursday night.

“I’m telling you, he was so cute,” she said.

Mags had always been a little “boy-crazy”. It was a running joke in my friend group that Mags has already found “the one” at least forty times. If it was up to her, she’d be married to several people by now. But she never seemed to choose the right guy. I guess she just had bad taste.

“Hey guys,” Amy said as she entered my room, looking exhausted. “I hope you didn’t miss me too much.” We all took turns hugging and saying hi to her. None of my other friends had seen her since the end of the school year. I was the only one who hung out with her after the Bahamas. The others acted like they hadn’t seen her in ten years. 

Mags jumped into her arms, almost squeezing her to death. “You’re baaaack!” she squealed. We all laughed and went downstairs to get some food.

“So how’s your coworker, Emmett?” Amy asked as we entered the kitchen. I felt my face get hot as the others bombarded me with questions.

“I’m not into him anymore,” I said, “Claire told me some things.”

“What does that mean? Is he secretly into feet or something?” Mags asked, "Not that there's anything wrong with that!" Everyone laughed and I shook my head. 

“You know how he broke up with Jennie? He was apparently a total dick about it.” I reached up to the cabinet, taking out a bag of potato chips.

“Ew. What a jerk,” Mags said.

I shrugged and took a chip. “He’s nice to me. But I don’t like how he treated Jennie.”

“I heard a different story,” Walter said. I didn’t know where he heard his story. Walter wasn’t the most savvy guy. He was kind of a wallflower. He worked at a coffee shop during the summers and read during his free time.

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