Bonus Chapter Two

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“No, I just got back yesterday.”

Amy sat in the driver’s seat, her phone held to her ear. She had been in Florida for the past week for her grandma’s funeral. Now, she had to catch up on all the work she missed. It wasn’t much, but her teachers were kind of pushing her for it.

In the back, Mags and Reuben giggled at memes on their phones. I sat in the passenger’s seat, staring out the window. 

The car was parked in the senior lot, right in front of the football field. I searched the bleachers for Brendon, but didn’t find his face. He was probably running late, like us. On the field, our team was preparing for the first home game of the season.

Homecoming was never my thing. I went to the games, obviously, but I never really went to the dance or anything. It just didn’t appeal to me and my friends. But this year was different. Brendon had asked me to go with him, and it was senior year. I had to go.

On the sidelines, the cheerleaders warmed up. I could barely make out Claire and Theo, who were stretching and talking to football players. They were both running for homecoming court. The king and queen would be announced at halftime. Of course I voted for both of them, but I had other predictions about who would win.

“Gotta go, bye,” Amy muttered into the phone. Her scowl was quickly replaced with a smile as she hung up. “Ready to go?”

“Yeah!” Reuben yelled, “Let’s go!”

Of my friend group, Reuben was the most enthusiastic about football. He dragged us to every game, and every year he had a superbowl party at his house. During a football game, nothing could distract him. I often wondered why he wasn’t on the team himself.

We walked in a cluster to the bleachers. They were half-full with parents and students. One section was taped off for the marching band, who played pep music during games. They wore their uniforms proudly (despite the feathers and rhinestones on their hats), and watched the director for instruction.

Reuben led us past the marching band, and to a row of empty seats near the front. Now I could see my friends more clearly — Theo and Claire chatted with some football guys (I think Alex and Nick). They were currently giggling at something (or maybe just flirting). The other cheerleaders, including Angie, Laura and Jennie, were stretching and practicing their routines.

I looked around the crowd, trying to find Brendon or Donny, or someone who knew them. My search was interrupted when I felt someone kiss the back of my neck. Before I could turn around to say hi, Donny sat next to me and threw his arm around my shoulder.

“Hey,” Brendon whined, “That’s my seat.” He put his hands on my shoulders and frowned at Donny.

“Look, it’s Laura!” Donny smiled.

Brendon rolled his eyes and pushed Donny out of the way, sitting down in between us.

“Hi,” I said.

He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Hi.”


The first two quarters of the game went quickly. Reuben and Amy spent the whole time watching, while the rest of us chatted about school and things. Donny told us that he was going to run for homecoming king, but he forgot to announce it. We told him maybe he’d be prom king.

Brendon and I were practically joined at the hip. Everytime I went to get snacks or go to the bathroom, he followed close behind. He was even a little clingy at times. But I liked it.

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