Chapter Five

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It was a sunny Friday morning and I was in a very good mood. The past five days had been bliss. Shortened shifts, talks with Brendon, time away from home. It was a great week. I was beginning to fear what would break that streak. 

I decided to fry an egg that morning. A nice, nutritious breakfast. I’d been eating cereal every day since Sunday. The egg was a nice change of pace. I cooked it perfectly and my toast even finished at the right time. Things were looking up.

After eating my breakfast, I went upstairs to get dressed. And that’s when I saw it. The clock. It was already eight o’clock. I was LATE. Super late, in fact. And I had the keys. I grabbed my phone and dialled Laura’s number. It went straight to voicemail. I pulled some clean clothes on, grabbed my bag, ran downstairs, and left without even locking the door.


“Someone’s late,” said Brendon as I busted through the door. I scowled and sat in my seat. At least Laura and Donny had the first rotation. “Rough morning?”

“Uh, yeah. You could say that,” I muttered. At this point, I wasn’t really willing to admit why I was really late. He raised his eyebrows.

“Well it’s fine anyways. We covered for you,” he said. I smiled and thanked him, then put my stuff under the counter. The pool was busy today. A steady stream of people came in. Each passing person held up their membership briefly. We kind of just let everyone go through. If they could get through the front entrance, they likely had a membership.

The pool had been busy all week (except Sunday). After the storm this weekend, it was sunny and warm. People were flocking to the club, day and night. We almost needed another guard to keep up with all the people here.

“Hey, so I’m gonna have to leave early today,” Brendon said. My heart sank.


“Like an hour early. Around eleven.” I raised one eyebrow. Why would he have to leave that early? Was he sick? He must’ve picked up on my confusion. “I’m meeting my dad and my uncle for lunch in the city.” It was a lame excuse to leave early. I guess it was a little dramatic to be upset about just one hour, but I was a dramatic person.

“Oh,” I said, “Why the city?”

“We’re meeting halfway. He lives in Claton,” he explained, “Him, and my stepmom.”

Oh. I understood now. I felt bad, even. I wondered when his parents got divorced. If his dad was already remarried, it was probably a while ago. “Oh, okay. Sorry.”

“No, don’t be,” he said, “He’s been there since I was fifteen. I’m used to it.”

There was my answer. I contemplated telling him about my parents, but decided against it. I didn’t want to bombard him with serious conversation. He’d probably stop talking to me. We dropped the subject and chatted about the busy club instead. 


Brendon and I finished our third rotation just in time. We walked back to the shack together, passing Laura and Donny. I’d have to do the last one with Laura. It was a bummer. But I’d have plenty of time. It was only our second week. 

“I guess I’m off then,” Brendon said, “See you tomorrow?” I almost said yes, but realised we had off. Maybe he knew that too. Maybe he was asking me out...

“Tomorrow’s Saturday,” I said.

“Oh, right,” he laughed, his face turning pink, “See you Sunday.”

I guess I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. He’d probably never ask me out. I sat down alone in the shack and waved goodbye as he walked away. Sounds of people at the pool echoed in the tiny building. We’d usually fill this silence with talking. I watched the pool goers, hoping to find someone entertaining to observe.

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