Chapter Seventeen

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The days before my date with Brendon had been a blur. A sad mix of annoying phone calls, blatant homophobia and undeniable sexual tension. Needless to say, I was beyond excited for a break.

I jumped out of bed that morning, ready to go to work and get it over with. My phone was waiting on the kitchen counter when I got downstairs. Man, had I missed that thing. It turned on as I started to scramble three eggs. 

One by one, I cracked the eggs into a small bowl. After sprinkling some salt and pepper into the mixture, I whisked it together, careful not to spill anything on the counter. As the eggs cooked, I checked my phone. I had four missed calls from Laura, ten from Theo, and fourteen from Claire. Unread texts crowded my lock screen. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I’d catch up later.

The eggs were done by the time I knew it. They were fluffy and flavorful — just the way scrambled eggs should be. I devoured them before skipping outside. It was sunny and cloudless, and a cool breeze swept through the hot summer air. Today was a perfect day for a picnic. I passed the garden, and then Amistad, who was picking at our watermelons again. As I was feeling nice this morning, I let him get away with it (but at the same time, hoped he would get sick and stop eating our food).


“You’re cheery today,” Donny muttered as I unlocked the shack. We were the first to arrive at work today. Laura and Brendon were running late — or maybe, we were just running early. I held the door open for my coworker as he shuffled into the building. 

“I’m in a good mood,” I answered. He raised his eyebrows. “What, it’s a nice day!”

“Sure it is,” he said. I didn’t know what his problem was today. It seemed like he was mad about something. Maybe someone. I hoped Laura wasn’t the cause of his bad mood.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked.

“None of your business.”

“Fine.” I frowned. “Me and Brendon are going on a picnic today.”

“I don’t care,” he mumbled.

Suddenly, the door flew open. In walked Laura, her hair flowing effortlessly behind her. Donny smiled at her as she sat down next to him on their new spot — the freezer. We all jumped as the door slammed behind her. The mood lightened as Laura greeted us. Donny’s bad moods were no match for Laura’s good ones. 

“What’s got you in such a good mood, Emmett?” she asked. Was it really that obvious? I didn’t think I was that gloomy…

I smiled. “I have a date.”

“Oooh,” she said, leaning forward, “Avec qui?”

“I don’t speak French, Laura.”

“With whom?”

“Whom do you think?”

The door opened again. Brendon smiled at me as he walked to his chair. I leaned over to kiss his cheek. Both Laura and Donny groaned at our public displays of affection. I just flipped them off. Brendon laughed at the gesture.

Donny seemed to be moody again as Brendon joined the conversation. I didn’t know what, but something was going on between them. Multiple times, I glanced at Donny, only to be met with a cold glare. Maybe I was the problem. Maybe it was my relationship with Brendon.

“So what time were you thinking?” Brendon asked, nudging me with his elbow.

“I dunno. I need to change after the shift but maybe I’ll pick you up from your house when I’m done?”

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