I meet the murderous girl scouts

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Percy POV:

I woke up crying because I had a nightmare about Smelly Gabe killing mummy when mama Hera ran into my room and looked relieved when she saw me but then asked

"What's wrong Percy?"

"I had a nightmare about Smelly Gabe again" I stuttered out 

She looked mad for a second before coming over to hug me and telling me it was going to be ok. Once I calmed down she told me to get ready for breakfast and then she went to speak to daddy Zeus outside, I got dressed and walked out of my room to see daddy Zeus and gave him a hug before he lifted me up and carried me to breakfast. When we reached the dining area he put me down and I asked for blue pancakes. When we all finished eating mama Hera gave me a quick hug before she went to go do some boring god stuff and then daddy Zeus looked at me and said "I have to go to work and your sister Artemis offered to take care of you, you can go if you want but you'll have to be careful because her hunters don't like boys because boys have hurt them in the past just like smelly Gabe did to you"

After he explained why Artemis friends might not like me straight away I told him "I want to go see Artemis and if her friends don't like me I'll just have to prove to them I'm nice, unlike smelly Gabe!" 

He chuckled and replied, "Alright then stay here and Artemis will come to get you in a minute."


Artemis POV:

I was talking with my lieutenant Zoë when father mind-messaged me "Artemis your brother Percy has agreed to come with you but don't let him get hurt, he told me

he will make them realize he's nice unlike 'smelly Gabe' as he put it but I don't want him having a panic attack since he just woke up from a nightmare." 

"Father I'll tell them not to hurt him but I can't promise they will be nice but I'm sure if he acts like he did yesterday the girls might tolerate him," I replied

He sighed and told me to go pick up Persues soon so I went to tell Zoë to get the girls for an announcement. Once all the girls were in front of me ready to hear the announcement I started talking "Girls I know you don't like boys but father and Hera have adopted a new child called Persues who they found once his mother was killed by this strange person called 'smelly Gabe' I don't know why a mortal would name their child smelly but Persues is to come to the hunt for a visit since father has to do his duties and when I met him he was... tolerable and if we help to raise him every week or so we could make him the first decent male in existence!" 

Most of the older hunters were outraged but surprisingly Phoebe calmed them down and told them that the child is only young and he would be nothing like the other males and then they calmed down but still looked angry, the newer hunters looked sympathetic for the boy as some of them have been through the same thing. I told Zoë she was in charge whilst I went to collect Persues, once I flashed to the dining room in Olympus I saw Persues shooting a picture of Poseidon which made me chuckle "Pursues come here we are going to where my huntresses set up camp" I told him

He turned around in surprise and looked embarrassed he was caught shooting Poseidon's picture, "It's fine Persues but if I may ask why were you shooting Poseidon's portrait?" I asked

He started to frown and sadness swept over his eyes before he covered it up with a grind and said "Daddy Zeus said I can't tell anyone sorry sister Artemis."

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant