Someone stole my fathers Firecracker

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Percy POV: (5 Years Later)

It's currently December 23rd, 2006, my name is Percy Jackson and I'm 12 years old. I'm tall for my age due to the blessings of my mother, father, my brother Apollo and my sister Athena standing at 5ft 4 and I've also got decently defined muscle. My hair is raven blacks with a few loose strands of blonde and my mum and dad are freaking out, they try to cover it up and act all happy for Christmas but I can tell they're just as worried as I am over the theft of the lightning bolt. My father is amazing but of course, is always paranoid, no matter how much I managed to change him into a better man some of his flaws will always be there but he isn't trying to kill people for no reason like he used to so I'd say he's getting better! Anyways I'm currently getting Christmas presents ready for my family... well at least the ones who know about, (Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, The Hunt, Zeus, Hera, Athena, Ares, Dionysus, and Jason) I'm trying to get things that will mean things to people and not the super flashy stuff father always gets. You're probably wondering how I know about the Romans, well you see one day I was minding my own business when I heard father shout in a more strict voice than usual "WHO DARES!" and I was like "Yeah, that's normal." So I went to check out who pissed him off and I saw him looking different than normal. He was wearing a bedsheet, I KNOW A BEDSHEET and he had his hair all different but the weirdest part about it was that his master bolt, his precious, his favorite toy was looking different. I don't know how to explain it but It just looked more dramatic! It's like the Romans sat down one day and were like "YeahZeus is cool and all but if we make him more dramatic and sound more strict like a dad about to punish his kids for stealing the master bolt and zapping Poseidon in his sleep strict, (I totally didn't do that) then he will be perfect!" and then another roman said "But we can't call him Zeus that would mean we copy the filthy Greeks!" and then the third roman said "How about we call him Jupiter, I mean it's not like anything else in the UNIVERSE has ever called itself Jupiter before." and they all agreed.

Anyways he quickly saw me and told me he was practicing his dramatic speeches in his roman form and then quickly put his hand to his mouth and mum who was also in the room just gave him the 'I'm disappointed in you look'. So anyways I was really confused at that point but they decided to just explain it to me on the condition I swear on the Styx to not tell anyone unless it's important, I decided to change it to unless I deem important but they didn't seem to realize and we carried on with our merry day. 

So as I was thinking about what presents to get everyone mum, dad and Athena walked into the room with the 'we need to talk' look on their faces. Oh shit, what have I done now? They sat down next to on my bed and father said "Persues, Percy. You are my son and I only want what's best for you and to put it lightly your the most powerful demigod your age, most likely the most powerful demigod of any age and soon enough you shall even surpass my son Herakles."

I thought he was going to laugh and say I'm just kidding but instead looked at me filled with pride and that made my heart leap since all I ever want to do is make my family proud. "Are you sure dad? I mean there have to be hundreds of demigods more powerful than me?" I asked but everyone just laughed

"You are too modest my son, sometimes I wonder how you became this way with me raising you since even I am man enough to admit I may have a tiny bit of an ego." He said

"Yes Percy you are the most powerful demigod of the age, maybe even all the ages you mortal parent must have had good genes for you to end up this powerful but still humble and modest,"Athena told me

I thought of how lucky I am to hold this power when so many others who deserve it more than me could have it when my mother spoke up "Perseus my son, I love you with all my heart and we wouldn't ask you to do this if we were not sure you would be able to handle the task but we want to place you in a mortal school that already houses a demigod and satyr so you will eventually be bought to camp, we can't keep you constricted on Olympus forever and we even think that you may be able to find the bolt whilst at the camp."

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now