Monster Mum makes me jump off a building

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Percy POV:

We were heading towards the Gateway Arch, admittedly I almost killed James but Luke and Grover were holding me back. He kept yelling at us for visiting a boring building when we could go find another casino. If I didn't know better I would have thought he was related to Smelly Gabe.

The Arch was about a mile from the train station,  it was late and the lines weren't that long. We rushed through the underground museum and just before we started to head towards the elevator I said "Grove, can you smell anything?" 

"Just the underground, underground smells like monsters it's probably nothing." He replied

I had a feeling something was wrong like we shouldn't be here. "Guys, do you have the feeling someones watching us?" 

Luke looked around tense and was about to respond before James yelled "Stop being paranoid Jackson, I James Theseus Waters am not scared of any monster!" 

We rolled our eyes and then Grover said "You got any blue jelly beans left?" 

I'd almost mastered my nerves when I saw the tiny we were going to ride to the top of the Arch. It didn't look safe for a tiny house cat let alone three half-bloods and an enchilada-obsessed satyr.

It made me nervous as we entered the small lift, I hate confined spaces always have. I think its something to do with the ADHD but the fact I've felt something watching me for the past few days just makes me so much more tense. 

 We got shoehorned into the car with the big fat lady and her dog, a Chihuahua with a rhinestone collar. I was wondering why no one was telling the lady she can't have pets on the Arch because they were at least fifty signs saying you're not allowed them before I realized this must be the monster that was following us the last few days. 

Unfortunately, no one else noticed, and I was stuck trying to figure out what to do about the potentially life-threatening monster less than a foot away from us, we started going up, inside the Arch. I'd never been in an elevator that went in a curve, and my stomach wasn't too happy about it. "No parents?" Asked the fat lady monster person.

She had beady eyes; pointy, coffee-stained teeth; a floppy denim hat, and a denim dress that bulged so much that she looked like a blue-jeaned blimp. "They're below." I told her "They don't like architecture much the history of the museum is more of their style." 

"Oh your poor things, having to go up here all alone." 

The Chihuahua-looking monster growled. The monster-woman said "Now,  now sonny. Behave" 

The dog had beady eyes like its owner. Intelligent and vicious. What kind of monster would call its dog sonny? The dog is probably its son or at least related to it but that would mean that the fat lady is the Enchdina... Holy Hades Poseidon and Zeus we're dead. 

I started looking for ways to escape when James said "Sonny. is that his name?" 

Stupid idiot, "No." The lady replied as if that told us everything we needed to know. 

At the top of the Arch, the observation deck reminded me of a tin can with carpeting. Rows of tiny windows looked out over the city on one side and the river on the other. The view was okay but I was more worried about two of the most dangerous monsters in history staring at us from behind. It was also a pretty tight space so after we got the pictures I wanted to leave pretty quickly. 

I steered everyone towards the exit once we got our pictures, right towards the elevator, and loaded Luke and Grover on when I realized that there were already two other tourists in the elevator, no room for me and James. "Next cart sir." said the park ranger.

"Stupid idiot let me on the lift" James mumbled

I rolled my eyes "You two get to the bottom and wait for us." I demanded

They reluctantly nodded, they could tell something was wrong. Once the elevator started moving I grabbed James, uncapped my sword, and started walking towards the lady. "Hello miss Monster how can I help you today?" 

The Echidna looked surprised but surprisingly smiled showing her forked tounge. "Well sonny, this young hero deserves credit but I guess it's playtime now." 

The Chimera grew to full size "You should be honored Perseus Jackson, I am rarely allowed to test young heroes with my son anymore!" 

I growled, stupid monsters always think our lives are a game. "W-wh-what are yo-you?" James stammered. 

"Echidna dear, mother of monsters." 

James grew pale but I just gripped my swords and narrowed my eyes at the monsters. I looked towards the Chimera to see the biggest monstrosity of a dog, serpent, goat thing you could ever see. It had a big rhinestone collar that read: CHIMERA - RABID, FIREBREATHING, POISONOUS - IF FOUND, PLEASE CALL TARTARUS - EXT 954. 

I was shaking but I had to clear my nerves, I had to prove myself. The Chimera lunged at me but I just ducked out of the way, "Stupid dog." I yelled

It just growled and continued to try and bite, scratch basically any kind of attack it could think of. It tried to turn me to a crisp using its fire breath - which admittedly was kinda cool. Scary, I never want to see it again but it was cool. 

It tried to trip my up with its tail but I propelled myself up with the winds and went to slash its face when James got up and screamed "MUMMY" as he lunged towards the Chimera.

The Chimera laughed? Well, it was certainly sounded like a laugh and I'm man enough to admit I would have to if I wasn't close to death. The Chimera bit down on Jameses shoulder giving me just enough time to summon the most powerful lightning bolt I could and stick my sword right through the Chimeras throat essentially killing it. 

"MY SON!" The Echidna bellowed

"You stupid ant-eater can you go away" I yelled 


I ran using the winds to help me go faster to James' unconscious body and picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. I ran towards the edge of the Arch with the Enchidna close behind. I stopped just for a second to think am If I should do this, I mean it sounds pretty crazy jumping off a national monument and all.

I looked down and I looked behind me. What's easier dying to a crazy monster mum or going splat? I jumped. 


Sorry for shorte chapter but I'll be releasing some longer chapters within the next few days :D

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