Big brother Ares needs my help

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Percy POV:

I'd love to tell you I bravely flew through the winds with carrying James into the water like superman but that's not how it went.  The second I jumped James woke up and all I could hear was "AHHHHHHHHH" or some mortal screaming "THERE GOING TO DIE!" 

With James essentially screaming my ear off I lost concentration of my wind powers and we started plummeting towards the ground full speed getting ready to become jelly. I managed to get us above the river and dropped James into it and with him gone I reluctantly used my water powers to create a wave that would push me to the edge of the river hoping everyone will believe James did it, but let's be honest no ones going to believe he knows how to make a tiny wave let alone a giant one. 

I got up next to a Mcdonald's. A block away, every emergency vehicle in St Louis was surrounding the Arch. Police helicopters circled overhead. The crowd of onlookers reminded me of Times Square on New Year's eve. A little girl said, "Mama, that boy just flew out of the sky." 

"That's nice, dear.'" her mother said, craning her neck to watch the ambulances. 

"But that's what superheroes do!" 

"That's nice, dear." 

A news lady was talking for the camera: "Probably not a terrorist attack, we're told but it's still very early in the investigation. The damage, as you can see, is very serious. We're trying to get some of the survivors, to question them about eyewitness reports of at least two people who seem to have fallen from the Arch." 

Survivors, I felt a surge of relief. Maybe that park ranger and that family made it out safely. I hoped Luke and Grover were okay. 

I tried to push through the crowd to see what was going on inside of the police line. ". . . two adolescent boys"

Another reporter was saying "Channel five has learned that surveillance cameras show two adolescent boys going wild on the observation deck, somehow setting off this freak explosion. Hard to believe John, again no confirmed fatalities. . ." 

I backed away trying to hide my face as I dug through my backpack to find a scarf to cover my face. Once I found a black scarf and wrapped it around my face to prevent someone from identifying me I started to go around the police perimeter. Ununiformed officers and reports were everywhere. I'd almost lost hope of ever finding Luke and Grover when a familiar voice bleated "Perrr-cy!" 

I turned around and got tackled by Grover's bear hug and Luke patted me on the back. "We thought you and James went to Hades the hard way." Grover said, "Where is James anyway?"

"He was back in the Mississippi River last time I saw him, he's probably flirting with another river spirit." 

Luke just stood their amusement in his eyes and said "What happened? We leave you alone for five minutes and you cause more chaos than ever."

I just rubbed my neck and asked "Well you remember then fat old lady and the Chihuahua?" 

"Yeah? What abou-" Luke asked before getting interrupted 


Grover and Luke just looked at each other and guessed the real story and said "Bullshit." in unison.

Well, let's just say James kept on denying he was lying and his face was redder than the kleptomaniac girl's hair from when mum and dad forced me to go to school.

After we all got together, checked our supplies and made sure we all were in disguises well except James since he said it disrupted his 'natural beauty. You would think he was an aphrodite kid.

Percy Jackson Son of Hera and Zeus [BEING REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now