I battle Ares or is it Mars?

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Percy POV:

As the shadows wrapped around me I heard "Be safe son of Zeus" in a deep powerful voice, how dramatic Uncle! Maybe it's a family trait, I eventually appeared on a beach and tripped over. Now let me tell you shadow traveling is terrible and I puked everywhere but once I got a sense of my surroundings I walked towards the godly presence I could feel nearby.

I saw two figures in the distance one had dirty brown hair and sea-green eyes while the other looked like the meanest biker you've ever seen with blood-red eyes with golden specks, so I being the inhumanly smart demigod I am figured out this was James 'Pissy Pants' Waters as well as Ares 'Totally not Kronos' uhh I don't actually think gods have last names.

"Who did you use? Clarisse? She was there at the winter solstice." James spat 

The idea seemed to amuse Ares, Hades I would laugh at the idea if it weren't for the fact I was trying to remain discrete. . . for now. "Doesn't matter. The point is kid, you're impeding the war effort. See you've got to die in the underworld. Then Old Seaweed will be mad at Hades for killing you, Lightning Legs will be pissed at you for killing his, oh so precious Perseus and Corpse Breath will have Zeus's master bolt, so Zeus'll be mad at him and. . . Wait!" Ares said

Ares looked like he just realized he left all his guns back at his palace on Olympus, his eyes started darting around frantically and more and more gold specks gathered in his iris - So basically Kronos-Ares was becoming super-Kronos-Ares. "Where you're friends gone sea scum!" He yelled

James looked panicked for a second before he just smirked and said "Who cares I'm the only real hero anyways!" 

James, who for some reason thought now would be a good time to take a selfie - Why does he even have that it's like a demigod tracking beacon for monsters! - didn't see Ares's gleeful look at the fact he was the only one who could challenge him.

"Well whatcha going do kid, fight me?" Ares asked 

James just grinned and for some reason, I really don't know why decided to charge at Ares, Ares anticipating the attack decided to toy with the child of the sea and simply kicked him, with godly strength mind you, straight in the chest. As expected James landed just at the shore of the beach groaning in pain, I sighed in exasperation, "I guess I have to save him from getting his varéli handed to him" I muttered

I stepped out into the open where he could see me and I saw a look of surprise as well. . . was that fear in the eyes of Ares or Kronos or was it Ares but his decisions were influenced by the famed Titan King? "Hello, brother, 'tis nice to see you again," I yelled whilst uncapping my blades anaklusmos and astrapí.

"How nice it is of you to join the party brat!" Ares yelled his eyes glowing in rage "Shall I expose you're secret to our guest?" 

I scowled "And taint your honor brother? I thought better of you." I replied stalking close to him 

James had a surprised look on his face and looked somewhat relieved and thankful for the child of Zeus to come and save his hide, "Though I doubt you care much for honor as of late, the famed Titan Lord, our grandfather is controlling is he not?" 

A bone-crawling chill ran through the beach as sirens were heard in the distance, Ares looked surprised for a second before masking it with his signature scowl, "I am the god of war demigod! I had an entire nation built upon my morals in the days of olde no one, not even a Titan could hope to control me!" 

I shook my head as I lunged for the first strike, Ares and I locked blades before he pushed me back and I barely regained my footing before the god of war lunged at me, I parried the strike and used the wind to my advantage hovering in the air before I let go of my control as I catapulted downwards slashing. But Ares was just as quick, he twisted, and the strike that should have caught him directly in the spine was deflected off the end of his sword hilt. He grinned before suddenly summoning a dagger and throwing it at me, I was barely able to turn out of its path before it sliced a seemingly deep wound from the curve of my mouth to the middle of my jaw. "Not bad, not bad," Ares said

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