I get in a police chase

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Percy/Nerva POV:

I was camping in a forest near the outskirts of New York when the nightmare started, I was standing on some deserted street in some little beach town. It was the middle of the night. A storm was blowing. Wind and rain ripped at palm trees along the sidewalk. Pink and yellow stucco buildings lined the street, their windows boarded up. A block away, past a line of hibiscus bushes, the ocean churned.

Florida,  I thought. Though I wasn't sure how I knew that, must've been something I got from Poseidon. Then, I heard hooves clattering against the pavement. I turned and saw my friend Grover running for his life. Grover was hauling his goat tail, holding his human shoes in hand the way he does when he needs to move fast. He clopped past the little tourist shops and surfboard rental places, the wind was so strong that the palm trees almost hit the ground.

Grover was terrified of something behind him. He must've come from the beach. Wet sand was caked in his fur. He'd escaped from somewhere. He was trying to get away from. . . something. A bone-rattling growl ripped through the storm. Behind Grover, at the far end of the block, a shadowy figure loomed. It swatted aside a street lamp which burst into a shower of sparks.

Grover stumbled, whimpering in fear. He muttered to himself, Have to get away. Have to warn them! 

I couldn't see what was chasing him, but I could hear it muttering and cursing. The ground shook as it got closer. Grover dashed around a street corner and faltered. He'd run into a dead-end courtyard full of shops. No time to back up. The nearest door and been blown open by the storm. The sign above the darkened display window read: ST AUGUSTINE BRIDAL BOUTIQUE

Grover dashed inside. He dived behind a rack of wedding dresses. The monster's shadow passed in front of the shop. I could smell the thing - a sickening combination of wet sheep wool and rotten meat and that weird sour body odor only monsters have, like a skunk that's been living off Mexican food.

Grover trembled behind the wedding dresses. The monster's shadow passed on. Silence except for the rain. Grover took a deep breath, maybe the thing was gone. Then lightning flashed. The entire front of the store exploded, and a monstrous voice bellowed, "MIIINE!"

I sat bolt upright, shivering in my sleeping bag. There was no storm, no monster. Morning sunlight was peeking through a hole in the tent. I just finished staying with the hunters for a while yesterday and thought I'd spend one more day outdoors before I went back to Olympus for the few remaining days until the start of summer.

I started to pack up the tent and get dressed, I was wearing dark blue jeans, an orange camp t-shirt, and an Aphrodite brand black puffer coat. Once everything was packed up I went to the mini sun chariot Apollo gave me, this Christmas Apollo and Hephetatus added a motorcycle option to the list of things it can transform into so now you can choose from a Mclaren Spider, Range Rover Vogue, and a Harley Davidson. 

I packed everything up and put it in the backpack mom got me, she got it made like the one Hermione had in Harry Potter so it can't run out of space, and let me tell you it saves so much hassle! I don't have to find six hundred different places to try to store the tent!

Once everything was packed away I got onto the bike and sped off to Olympus. 

TIME SKIP:                                                                                                                                                                                 Percy/Nerva POV:                                                                                                                                                                  

So, it's been about fifteen minutes since I started to head to Olympus and all of a sudden a see lights flashing behind me, cops! 

But what's even worse is this is the moment Luke decides to IM me, he could have chosen any moment but now he, and whoever with him get to see either an epic chase or me getting pulled over, whichever one I decide.

"Hey Perce, how you doing? Wait is that a cop behind you?" Luke asks

I glared at him and he chuckled and I decided that I'd much rather get this done with already so sadly I don't get the thrill of the cops chasing me all over New York and I pull over. At this point Luke has most of the year-round campers watching me and I swear to Hades if he doesn't stop laughing at me!

I stopped near an intersection so I could pull away easily if I had to, and the officer approached the bike clueless to laughing campers appearing through a magical mist. "Hello, I'm officer Andrew Garrot, do you know why I stopped you today?" The cop asked

I shrugged, "You wanted to look at my ass?" I asked ignoring the Hermes campers that fell on the floor laughing.

The officer, Andrew, frowned. "No sir, could you take your helmet off please?" He asked

I scowled and took it off and the officers' eyes widened for some reason, who knows maybe I'm famous for 'destroying' something again. "You are you gotta be sixteen to drive kid?" He asked

I glared at the man, for gods sake it had to be the one who pulled me over who was a clear-sighted mortal. The campers are just laughing at my reaction to him saying I'm not sixteen. "So you don't think I'm sixteen?" I asked

The cop looked amused, "Get off the bike kid, I got things to do." He said

Well, so much for not getting in a police chase, I put my helmet back on and revved the engine before speeding off much to the annoyance of the mortal behind me. The Hermes kids were cheering me on as I raced through the backstreets of New York, sirens chasing me like no tomorrow. O Hermes, god of Trickery I give you my praise and a pack of M&Ms when I get to camp, grant me your favor.

I eventually lost my pursuers and parked at a gestation around ten minutes from the Empire State Building. "Hey, guys!" I said, "Enjoy my show?" 

The campers who were still watching, mainly Hermes campers, laughed before Luke turned serious. "There's been a. . . situation at camp." He said

I frowned, "What do you mean a situation?" I asked

Luke looked uncomfortable, his eyes were bloodshot and looked like he'd been crying, and he didn't even cry when Annabeth betrayed them. "It's better I explain when you get to camp, for some reason Chiron told James not to come but I got a feeling in my gut you know." He explained, "Just, get him on your way I heard he's at Meriwether College Prep." 

I scowled and the mention of James, I could only pray he had somehow improved his attitude but I agreed and headed off towards Meriwether College Prep, at least nothing could go wrong at a mortal school.

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