My Quick Ramble

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Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've posted anything, and that's because I've been working on this little project for like... a very long time now. 

I just want it to be perfect, okay? It's very... close to my heart.

That being said, I've completely lost motivation to continue writing it. Oops.

So I've decided to post what I have. If people like it, I'll write and post more. If not, it doesn't feel right to me to leave it sitting on my computer where no one can see it. What I have, I did make, and I'm proud of what I have. 

It's not perfect, but it's something. 

I doubt anyone's going to read this anyway. 

But if you are, thanks. It means a lot to me. I'll update everyday until I run out of chapters that I've written. 

Okay. Ramble over. 

Hope you have a good day and welcome to Rewrite the Stars. 

Rewrite the Stars (bxb)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon