Chapter 22 Lost

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Happy birthday to Ranboo!!!

I turn over when I wake up and notice Peter missing. I look at the clock and see it's already noon. Guess I missed breakfast. I roll over. I don't feel like getting up. I don't think that I can even face the others today.

My mind gets assaulted with my dreams of last night—Jax behind me, his lips pressed on my neck, while Peter kisses me senseless.

I shake my head and groan. I have to stop thinking of that. It's never going to happen. I take a small bag from the closet and put my ipod, phone, earbuds, charger, and all of my books in it before sneaking out of the room and going to my secret nook. This way I can relax without worrying about running into anyone else. Lincoln and I finished cleaning it up the other day, and now it actually looks like a livable room.

The light streams in through the window, and I get comfy with a book. I made sure to steal a beanbag and a blanket from the bonus room when I had the chance.

After a while, I don't feel like reading anymore, so I get out my phone and find something to watch. I'm thinking about what to watch when my stomach starts hurting. Bad.

I look at the clock. It's been three hours since I woke up. Darn. That means I have to go eat something. There goes my plan for avoiding everyone.

I leave my stuff there and sneak out and down the stairs. I check to see if anyone is there, and when there isn't, I rummage through the fridge for something.

"I can make you something if you're hungry."

I jump and look back to see Orion reaching over me for the eggs and butter.

"I'm good," I say quietly, not wanting to anger him further.

"You missed breakfast. Sit down." He goes over to the stove, grabs a frying pan, and puts a slab of butter in it to melt.

I carefully sit down on a bar stool and watch him make a fried egg. He toasts some bread and makes a sandwich. "You like mustard?" he asks.

I shake my head, and he slides the plate toward me.

"Thanks," I say and dig in. It's actually really good.

Orion leans against the counter. "My dad used to make my brother and I fried egg sandwiches whenever we wanted. Sometimes we would wake him up at three in the morning just for him to make us a fried egg sandwich. It was our thing, but now I get to share it with my new family." He looks at me. "You are a part of that new family, Blythe. Whether you want to be in our relationship or not. If you ever need anything, even at three in the morning, you can always come to us. We do care about you."

I look down, swallow, and nod.

Orion walks around the island and kisses me on the head. Then he leaves the kitchen.

I finish up the sandwich and sneak back upstairs again.


By the time I come out of my hiding spot again, it's close to dinner time, and I'm hungry again. When I step into the kitchen, everyone quiets down.

Well, this can't get any more awkward.

I look up as Sam and Dev walk into the kitchen—making out.

Never mind. It can.

Someone clears their throat, and the two break apart. Sam blushes as Dev grins.

Then Orion walks in with the car keys in his hands. "Everyone's here. Great. We need to go grab dinner stuff, so anyone who wants to go, get in the car."

Rewrite the Stars (bxb)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara