Chapter 39 Nothing Special

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I groan and roll over, noticing Peter's not in his bed, but not caring either way. He's with someone, and if he's not here, I can read in peace. I pull out my phone and read until the clock reaches double digits. Then it's a good hour to get up and get some food because my stomach is eating itself.

I get up and get ready before going downstairs. I expect to hear someone moving around, but it's eerily quiet.

That is, until I get to the kitchen.


I jump in shock as the lights in the kitchen come on, and I see streamers, balloons, and confetti strewn all over the place. I see the others around the kitchen, getting out from behind the table and the island. My hand goes over my heart. "Oh my god, you scared the crap out of me," I say and bend over, trying to get my breath back.

"That was the plan," Jax says with a smile. "Happy birthday, Blythe."

I look at him with an eyebrow raised. "It's not my birthday?"

"Blythe, look at the date," he deadpans.

I get out my phone and look at the date. August third. My eyes go wide. "Oh my god, I forgot my own birthday," I yell. "How the hell? Oh my god. What? How did you guys know?"

"I hacked into your file," Jax says, totally serious.

Orion hits him upside the head. "I told everyone. Happy birthday, Blythe."

I smile, reality finally sinking in. "Thanks," I say with a laugh. "Wow. I'm eighteen today."

"How does it feel?" Peter asks.

"Being eighteen?"

"No." He shivers. "Being old."

I laugh. "I'm only two years older than you."

We all sit down to eat breakfast, waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, and settle down for presents.

"You know you guys didn't have to get me anything," I say, surprised that they got me a couple things.

"We know," Orion says and places a kiss on my head. "Open them."

I smile and start with the smaller ones. There are five packages that look the exact same, so I start with those. I tear open the first one and see a game case for Mario Kart. I'm confused as I open it. It looks like a DS game card. I look at the others, but they motion for me to go on, so I do. I open the other packages, and they're all the same thing, just different games. I have Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Spyro, Minecraft, and Animal Crossing. "Am I missing something?" I ask, still lost.

Peter squeals and motions towards the medium sized package. "Open this one next."

I chuckle at his enthusiasm and open the next present. It's a case for a... Nintendo Switch. My eyes go wide, and I look at each of them. "No way," I whisper. "No way." I look at the game cases again, and I see the little red box in the upper corner that says Switch. How did I miss that?

I'm standing now as I reach toward the last and biggest box, though it's still pretty small, and rip off the wrapping paper to see a turquoise Switch lite. I hold it in my hands and just stare at it. "Oh my god," I say again. "Oh, my god!" I yell and look at the others to see their smiling faces. I start laughing and smiling and crying. "Thank you," I say and hug each of them in turn.

"You're welcome, Blythe," Orion says.

"Happy birthday," Dev and Jax say.

"Now we can play together!" Peter shouts and zooms out of the kitchen, returning with a yellow Switch lite.

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