Chapter 36 Shrunk

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We're all eating lunch when Dev's phone dings, and he freezes with his fork halfway to his mouth. "Uh, Orion?"

Orion looks away from his conversation with Sam, obviously recognizing the urgency in Dev's voice. "Yes?"

"My mom's coming over." He looks at Orion with wide eyes and turns his phone in Orion's direction, presumably to show him the text.

Orion sighs and runs a hand over his face. "What is it this time?"

"She said she heard about the police coming over the other day and wants to make sure that he's not actually here."

"She could've called." He puts his fork down. "When will she be here?"

"Um..." Dev scrolls through his phone and then looks at the clock. "Now."

On que, the doorbell rings, and Dev hurries to get the door.

Peter and Sam put their forks down, and even Jax's looking uneasy.

What is so bad about Dev's mother?

I hear voices coming from the hallway until Dev reappears with his mother in tow.

Orion gets up. "Welcome, Lucy. What an unexpected surprise. How are you?"

"Very well, Orion. Thank you. I heard about the police coming here and thought I'd just check in to see if everything is okay. I hope I'm not being a burden."

Orion smiles, but I can tell it's forced. "Of course not. We're just eating dinner. Why don't you sit down, and I can get you something to eat."

"Thank you." Mrs. Gray puts her purse down and sits where Dev was sitting, even though Orion got up for her. She looks over at how close Sam and I are sitting and seems to look down at us even though she's shorter than both of us. It makes Sam scoot away, and I miss his warmth.

Orion places a plate of food in front of her while Dev grabs another chair and puts it in between Orion and Mrs. Gray.

Everyone starts eating again, but it's quieter than before.

"How are you doing, Devlin?" Mrs. Gray asks, and I wonder who she's talking about before Dev speaks up.

"I'm good. How are you, mom?"

"Good. How's your brother?"

"I don't know," Dev says, sounding the most laid back I have ever heard him. "Haven't seen or talked to him in years."

"You do know the police call me?"

"Of course I do, but just because the police came here looking for him, doesn't actually mean he's here." Dev stands up. "Excuse me." He leaves before anyone can stop him.

Mrs. Gray sighs and wipes her mouth with a napkin. "Sorry about his behaviour. He's always been rude, and I guess being here hasn't made that any better." She stands up too and goes after him.

For some reason, my heart starts racing at the idea of him being alone with her, and I stand up too. "I'm—"

Orion nods. "Go. Take Sam."

Sam stands up, and we hurry after Dev. We slow down as we get to Dev and Sam's room, and Sam knocks on the door before opening it.

I see the relief on Dev's face the moment he lays eyes on us.

"Sorry to barge in," Sam says, "but Blythe wanted to see the new mario kart game I got for my switch, so I came to show him." He closes the door behind us. "Don't let us interrupt though. Keep talking. Just act like we're not even here."

I follow Sam to his bed and climb on it with him, sitting close enough so I can feel his warmth again, but he moves away from me a couple inches. I'm about to feel hurt when I see his head shake the barest amount. But I get the message. Not right now.

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