Chapter 12 Fighting Back

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I ended up falling asleep on the couch again last night. All of last night, I spent thinking about a way to get Ivan to stop bullying Peter without making it worse for him. To be honest, it was a lot harder than I was thinking. I've never done anything like this before, so I didn't really know what to do. It was very late last night when I was watching some show about a doctor and an eyeball, that the idea came to me, and I spent the majority of my early morning scrolling through the internet looking for anything related to Ivan.

It was about four in the morning when I found something very interesting, and the amount of euphoria that went through me almost felt like a drug high. After that, the plan that formed in my mind was simple and fast. I know how to stop Ivan, and I know how to stop him so that there won't be any lashback at Peter.

I just need to get him alone without the teacher tomorrow.

I feel someone shaking my shoulder.

"Blythe, you have to wake up now. School time."

I crack open my eyes and look around at the bed. "Didn't I fall asleep on the couch?" I mumble. I'm not awake enough to think about the words I am saying.

Orion chuckles. "Jax carried you in here when he saw you asleep on the couch."

I rub my eyes and sit up even though everything else in me is screaming at me to go back to sleep. "I'm tired."

"I bet. After school today, you can take a nap for as long as you want."

I nod, though his words aren't really sticking to my brain.

"You have ten minutes to get ready before we need to leave."

I nod again and climb out of bed, going to my room to get a change of clothes and to put in the contacts.

By the time I make it downstairs, I'm more awake, and as I remember my plan, I'm more excited.

Orion can barely stop the car before I'm shouting my goodbyes and jumping out of it. I fast walk to the classroom and sit down in my seat.

When Ivan enters and sits down next to me, I glance at him.

"Whatcha lookin' at, weeb?"

I look at the front of the room as the teacher walks in, and class begins.

Like yesterday, I focus on taking good notes for Peter. We couldn't go over them yesterday, so I can only hope I'm taking enough notes for him.

For some reason, Ivan doesn't throw paper balls at me today, and I'm thankful. Those things were annoying.

I glance over at him and see him actually writing notes down. I'm both shocked and impressed. I didn't think he knew how to take notes.

Lunch happens, but I don't put my plan into motion yet. I don't need the teacher coming in and ruining something.

It's after lunch that Ivan taking notes makes sense.

"Okay, everyone. Take out a piece of paper and a pencil. Time for the quiz."

What quiz?

The quiz gets handed out, and I look down at the paper. Since I've only been here for today and yesterday, I don't know the other topics on the quiz very well. I think back to when I took pre calc and manage to at least make sure he doesn't fail the quiz.

It takes almost an entire hour to complete it, and when I turn it in, I pray that not everything on it is wrong. I'll have to apologize to Peter later if I end up failing this quiz.

Once everyone has turned in their quiz, the teacher says, "I don't feel like getting into another unit today, so I'll let you guys go early. Please be prepared to start strong again tomorrow. You are dismissed."

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