Chapter 47 Conversation

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It's Thursday night when mom calls a family meeting. Dad and I both get back late from the office, and she calls one as soon as we step into the house.

Dad tells me to put my stuff down real quick, so I rush upstairs to put my bag down before going back to the kitchen. Collin and Cody are there already, so I'm the last person.

For the first time in a while, my anxiety spikes. I have no idea why mom is calling a family meeting. We haven't fought since the last time, and I've been going to work everyday with dad since then. I don't understand what problem she could possibly have with me.

The parents are sitting at the kitchen table, and the three of us are sitting at the island facing them.

"Some things have been brought to my attention from some of you," dad says. "And I feel like we need to talk about them as a family. I have been told about some behavioural issues that need to be addressed, and because of these behavioural issues, our family doesn't feel like a family right now." Dad looks at each of us. "We have an amazing family, and I love when we go do things together. I love the bond you all have with each other. Some people are born into a family, and they hate everybody. We are very fortunate to be born into this family, and I think we all enjoy each other's company. That's a good thing."

"And some people don't have families," mom cuts in, sounding the complete opposite as dad does. Venomous. "And to be honest with you, mommy and daddy don't really have a family either. Daddy doesn't have a daddy cause he died when he was a young kid. And then daddy's mommy is very sick. And then your grandmother—my mother—is a terrible person who doesn't want anything to do with us. And we are totally active, wanna be parents to you guys, and you just treat us like shit."

Dad talks again, back to gentle and understanding. "There's gonna be a day not too far away when you guys go to college, and you leave the house. But one of our goals in life is that you are able to go out into the world. You maybe get married, have a kid. Have a family. We want to have a table at Thanksgiving that seats thirty cause everyone comes home with their families. I've never had that. We think that's cool. Mom and I will buy an RV and drive around the country, doing weird things, and have a sign that we stick at campsites that has our names on it and come visit you guys.

"You have stuff here that— I got a newsletter from Josy's school, right? And every time I see that newsletter, it's probably the strongest connection that I feel with any family in the world, and they were not my family. They were not my blood family. A hard question for daddy at work is 'tell me about your family.' And I start telling them stories about Grandma Lucy, right? And Uncle Bob teaching me how to ride a motorcycle. Martha telling me how to sailboard. Sitting up on the hill, playing guitar. My graduation party was at Grandma Lucy's house. It's always kinda weird, but you guys have something. You have a blood relation and a home and this lineage that I would have killed for. I would still kill for. And mom has an opportunity to be a part of something, a tight knit lineage that goes all the way around the table."

Mom again. "Like a fun family. Like a happy family. I was part of a family. I still have a mom and dad, and I have a sister. But they're really pretty freakin miserable. They bitch and complain all the time. I don't want that. I want happy. I want fun. I want adventure. I want things to do. I want a family. We have a desire to have a family. You know what my mom did? She had a desire to raise me, and then the minute I got married, she never wanted to speak with me again. That is not our intention either. You have this beautiful family that wants to be a family, and you guys are just like 'fuck it. We don't care. We don't even like it. We don't want it. We don't wanna be a part of it.' And that is your choice. Because we've already had one child leave the family, and that's his choice. And you all have that same choice. We will give you the dignity, the space, and the respect to do that. But while you live here, I just need a different attitude. I need an attitude of 'you know what? This is a great place to live. I appreciate your love and your concern, your desire. And you're providing me with things and stuff and experiences. And the fact that you're married and even want to be in my life—"

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